Term | Terme français | Definition | Définition française |
primary radar | NULL | See RADAR. | NULL |
primary tide | NULL | See TIDE. | NULL |
primary tide station | Observatoire principal de marée | See STATION: TIDE. | Observatoiremprincipal de marée. Voir OBSERVATOIRE DE MARÉE. |
prime meridian | NULL | See MERIDIAN. | NULL |
prime vertical | NULL | See PRIME VERTICAL CIRCLE. | NULL |
prime vertical circle | Premier vertical | The VERTICAL CIRCLE through the east and west points of the HORIZON. Often shortened to prime vertical. | Premier vertical.m CERCLE VERTICAL a) passant par les points est et ouest de l'HORIZON. |
priming of the tide(s) | Avance de la marée | The acceleration in the TIMES of occurrence of HIGH and LOW WATER due to changes in the relative positions of the MOON and the SUN. The oppo... more | Avancefde la marée. Avance dans les HEURES auxquelles se produisent la PLEINE MER et la BASSE MER, causée par les changements de position ... more |
principal axis | NULL | See AXIS OF LENS. | NULL |
principal distance | Distance principale | The perpendicular distance from the internal PERSPECTIVE CENTRE to the plane of a particuÂlar finished NEGATIVE or PRINT. This distance is ... more | Distancefprincipale. Distance du point nodal arrière (CENTRE DE PERSPECTIVE interne) au plan du CLICHÉ. C'est aussi la distance à laquell... more |
principal line | Ligne de plus grande pente (d'une photographie) | In PHOTOÂGRAMMETRY, the trace of the PRINCIPAL PLANE upon the PHOTOGRAPH, (e.g., the line through the PRINCIPAL POINT and the PHOTOGRAPH NA... more | Lignefde plus grande pente (d'une photographie). En PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE, trace du PLAN PRINCIPAL sur le plan de la PHOTOGRAPHIE. C'est la lign... more |
principal meridian | NULL | See MERIDIAN. | NULL |
principal parallel | Horizontale principale | See PARALLEL: PHOTOGRAPH. | Horizontalefprincipale. Voir HORIZONTALE (DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE). |
principal plane | Plan principal | In PHOTOÂGRAMMETRY, the vertical plane through the internal PERSPECÂTIVE CENTRE containing the photograph perpendicular of a tilted PHOTOG... more | Planmprincipal. En PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE, plan vertical passant par la perpendiculaire au plan de la PHOTOGRAPHIE issue du point nodal arriÈre ... more |
principal point | Point principal | In PHOTOÂGRAMMETRY, the foot of the perpendicular from the interior PERSPECTIVE CENTRE to the plane of the PHOTOÂGRAPH (i.e. the foot of t... more | Pointmprincipal. En PHOTOGRAMMÉTRIE, pied de la perpendiculaire au plan de la PHOTOGRAPHIE issue du CENTRE DE PERSPECTIVE interne (c'est-Ã... more |
principal scale | NULL | See SCALE. | NULL |
principal vertical circle | NULL | The VERTICAL CIRCLE through the north and south points of the HORIZON, coinciding with the CELESTIAL MERIDIAN. | NULL |
print | NULL | In PHOTOGRAPHY, a copy made from a transparency by photographic means. | NULL |
print: blue | Tirage héliographique | A nonreproducible blue image or outline usually printed photographically on paper. | Tiragemhéliographique. Image nÉgative non reproductible obtenue par impression photographique sur papier. |
print: contact | Épreuve-contact | A photograÂphic PRINT made from either a NEGATIVE or a POSITIVE in contact with a sensitized material. | Épreuve-contact.f ÉPREUVE obtenue par insolation à travers un CLICHÉ, positif ou négatif, d’une couche sensible directement appliquÃ... more |
print: ozalid | Tirage ozalid | A photographic contact print developed by a dry diazo process. The process produces a POSITIÂVE from a positive IMAGE or a NEGATIVE from a ... more | Tiragemozalid.ÉPREUVE-CONTACT obtenue par un procédé diazoïque à sec qui donne une IMAGE positive en partant d'un POSITIF. On dit aussi... more |