Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
gale warning | 大风警报
| See WARNING. | 指某地区出现或者将要出现蒲福风力8级或者9级风的气象警报信息。 |
Galton's sun signal | 伽尔顿回照器
| See HELIOSTAT. | 见heliostat(回照器)。 |
galvanometer | 电流计
| An instrument for detecting and determining the intensity and direction of an electric current. | 测量电流强度和方向的仪表。 |
galvanoplasty (or galvanoplastics) | 电镀
| The process of coating things with metal by means of electrolysis. | 用电解的方法在物体表面涂上一层金属物质的过程。 |
gamma | 反差系数,灰度系数;伽玛
| Photographic term for negative contrast resulting from development, and not the contrast of the subject itself; a numerical measure of CONTR... more | 照相术语。由显影引起的底片负反差,并不是被摄物体反差;负片显影反差的量度。一般用于描述地球磁... more |
gamma ray | 伽玛射线
| See X-RAYS. | 参见X-RAYS (X射线)。 |
gap | 海山裂缝;航摄漏洞;山凹,隘口
| A narrow break in a RIDGE or RISE. | 海山的狭窄裂口。航摄像片上测量数据未能达到最小覆盖要求的部分。这可能是没有任何数据的空白部分... more |
gas chromatography | 气体色谱法
| An analysis method used to determine dissolved oxygen and nitrogen content of SEA WATER. | 测量海水中溶解的氧和氮含量的一种分析方法。 |
gas field | 气田
| An area in which natural gas occurs in quantities worthy of exploitation. | 从存储量上值得开发的天然气区域。 |
gat | 滩间水道,狭航道
| A natural or artificial PASSAGE or CHANNEL through SHOALS or steep BANKS, or across a line of BANKS lying between two CHANNELS. | 通过浅滩或者岸滩,或者横过两水道之间岸堤的自然或者人工水道。 |
gate: hydraulic | 液压闸门、液压封闭器
| A form of valve used to regulate the FLOW of a liquid in a pipeline, RIVER or DAM. | 用于控制管道、河流或者水坝水流的一种闸门结构。 |
gauge | 测量仪器
| An instrument for measuring the size or state of anything. | 测量物体大小或者状态的设备。 |
gauge: depth | 水深计,测深量尺
| A general term for an instrument made to indicate DEPTH of water, especially one in which sea depths are indicated by pressure of water agai... more | 表示水深测量仪器的通用术语,特别是指采用水对弹簧压力或管内空气压缩程度测得水深的仪器。 |
gauge: float | 浮子验潮仪
| A TIDE GAUGE that is operated by a float in a long, vertical stationary box to which the TIDE is admitted through an opening in the bottom... more | 利用浮力原理工作的一种验潮仪。它是一个垂直固定的高盒子,底部有开口,海水从底部进入,由里面的... more |
gauge: pressure | 压力计,验潮仪
| An instrument for measuring pressure. A TIDE GAUGE operated by the change in pressure at the BOTTOM of a body of water, due to the RISE an... more | 测量压力的仪器。
通过测定海水对验潮仪底部随涨落潮的压力变化,确定潮高的验潮仪。 |
gauge: rain | 雨量计
| Instrument for measuring the depth of water from PRECIPITATION supposed distributed over a horizontal impervious surface and not subject... more | 假定雨降落到一个不渗透也不蒸发的水平面上,测量降雨水深以确定降雨量的仪器。亦可连写成一个单词... more |
gauge: tide | 验潮仪 | A device for measuring the HEIGHT OF TIDE. A graduated staff in a sheltered area where visual observations can be made; or it may consist of... more | 测量潮高的一种仪器。观测人员可在能看到量尺的掩体内观测;另外还可以在仪器上装有一种复杂的记录... more |
gauss | 高斯
| The CGS unit of MAGNETIC INDUCTION. | 在厘米•克•秒制中磁感应强度的单位。 |
Gaussin error | 高斯误差,磁罗经自差
| See ERROR. | 在感应力消失后的一个短暂时间内,船体结构内仍然存在的非永久磁性,磁罗经由于这种非永久性磁性引... more |
gelbstoff | 胶质物,有色可溶性有机物
| Yellowish organic material suspended in sea water which causes greenish colour of the sea water in coastal areas; usually transported into t... more | 一种悬浮在海水中的淡黄色有机物,这些物质使沿岸水域变绿;是通过河流运送到海水中的。 |