Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
false target | 假目标
| See ECHO: FALSE. | 参见false echo(假回声)。 |
fan | 扇形海底
| A relatively smooth, fan-like depositional feature normally sloping away from the outer termination of a CANYON or canyon system. Also cal... more | 一种相对平滑、扇形的沉积结构,通常它由峡谷的外端向下倾斜。 |
farad | 法拉
| The unit of electrical capacitance, in the SI SYSTEM. | 在国际单位制中电容的单位。 |
farewell buoy | 进出口浮标 | The outermost BUOY marking the ENTRANCE to a CHANNEL or HARBOUR. Also called sea buoy. Known as landfall buoy in British terminology. | 标识航道或者港口入口的最外面的浮标。也称为sea buoy(海口浮标)。在英国术语中称为landfall buoy。 |
fast ice | 固定冰
| SEA ICE which remains fast, generally in the position where originally formed, and which may attain a considerable thickness. It is found al... more | 位置固定的海冰,通常仍停留在初始形成的位置,并具有相当的厚度。固定冰沿海岸形成,并与海岸或者... more |
fata morgana | 海市蜃楼
| The name originally given to a multiple mirage phenomenon often observed over the Straits of Messina, and supposed to be the work of the f... more | 这一名称起初是因为经常在墨西拿海峡观测到的复杂的海市蜃楼现象而得名,后来用于表示任意的令人印... more |
fathogram | 回声图,测深仪记录 | A graphic record of depth measurements obtained by a fathometer (erroneously applied to any ECHOGRAM). | 利用回声测深仪获取的水深测量的图形记录。 |
fathom | 英寻
| A unit of length equal to 6 FEET or 1.83 METRES. | 长度单位,1英寻等于6英尺或者1.83米。 |
fathom curve | 等深线
| See FATHOM LINE, DEPTH CURVE. | 参见fathom line,depth curve(等深线)。 |
fathom line | 等深线
| A DEPTH CURVE with DEPTH expressed in FATHOMS. Also called fathom curve, isobath. | 一种深度曲线,深度值以英寻为单位。 |
fault | 断层
| In GEOLOGY, a break of shear in the EARTH's CRUST with an observable displacement between the two sides of the break, and parallel to the ... more | 在地质学中指在地壳中岩石沿破裂两侧发生显著位移的断裂构造,其移动方向平行于断裂面。 |
Faye anomaly | 法雅异常
| See FREE-AIR ANOMALY. | 参见FREE-AIR ANOMALY(自由空间(重力)异常)。 |
feature code | 要素码,特征码
| An alphanumeric code (label) attached to all point, line or area data describing a cartographic feature of particular quality. | 与所有的点、线、面相关联的字母数字编码,用来描述制图要素的特定属性。 |
Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Services (FAGS) | 天文和地球物理数据分析服务联盟
| Facilitates and promotes the collection of observations, information and statistics in the field of astronomical and geophysical sciences. T... more | 其主旨是在天文学和地球科学领域促进和推动数据观测、信息和统计结果的采集。国际时间局是其服务联... more |
fender | 碰垫
| A device let down between the side of a ship or a WHARF or other ship to protect from chafing when ships are lying alongside or to take the ... more | 当船舶平行靠泊时减小船舶与船舶、船舶与码头之间的碰撞损坏或者当船舶靠泊时承受船舶、船舶与码头... more |
fetch | 风浪区
| An area of the sea surface over which SEAS are generated by a WIND having a constant direction and SPEED. The length of the generating area,... more | 由风的吹动而产生的方向和速度固定的海浪区域。风浪生成区的长度,在风向方向上测量。 |
fiducial axes | 框标坐标轴
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the lines joining opposite FIDUCIAL MARKS on a PHOTOGRAPH. Also called photograph axes. | 在摄影测量中,在影像上连接相对立框标的直线。也称为photograph axes(像平面坐标轴)。 |
fiducial marks | 框标
| In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, INDEX MARKS, usually four, which are rigidly connected with the camera lens through the camera body and which form IM... more | 在摄影测量中,一种指示标志,通常有四个,用来确定像片的像主点位置。框标通过摄影机机体(在底片... more |
field board | 外业图板,外业测量原图 | (British terminology). Wooden board, or zinc or plastic sheet, used by HYDROGRAPHERS and land surveyors for plotting and recording the detai... more | 木质板或者锌板或者塑料板,海道测量人员在外业工作中用来详细标绘和记录测量工作的细节。通常为地... more |
field chart | 外业草图
| See CHART. | 制作的有关海道测量区域的航海图,通常包含有限的或者未编辑的信息。 |