Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
friction layer | 摩擦层
| Atmospheric LAYER extending from the EARTH's surface and of depth about 600 to 800 m, within which air motion is affected significantly by s... more | 自地球表面起算,厚度大约为600-800米的大气层。该层空气运动受地面摩擦力影响很大,因此称为摩擦层。... more |
fringing reef | 贴岸礁,裙礁
| A REEF closely attached to a SHORE, as contrasted with a BARRIER REEF which is separated from the SHORE by a LAGOON. | 与海岸紧密相连的礁石。其对应术语是堡礁。堡礁与海岸之间隔着礁湖。 |
front | 锋,锋面
| In METEOROLOGY: a) surface of separation of two AIR MASSES (frontal surface); b) line of intersection of the surface of separation of two AI... more | 在气象学中:a 两个气团的分隔面;b 两个气团分隔面与另一个气团表面或者地面的交线。 |
frontal surface | 锋面
| See FRONT. | 参见front(锋,锋面)。 |
front light | 前灯
| See LIGHT(S): RANGE. | 参见range light(叠标灯)。 |
front nodal point | 前节点
| See NODAL POINT. | 参见nodal point(节点)。 |
frost (or freezing) | 霜(或者霜冻)
| Lowering of air temperature to a value equal to or less than the FREEZING POINT of water (0°C). | 空气温度下降到等于或者低于水冰点(0℃)时的产物。 |
frost point | 霜点,冰冻点
| The temperature to which atmospheric moisture must be cooled to reach the point of saturation with respect to ice. | 大气中水汽冷却达到饱和时(相对于冰面)的温度。 |
frost smoke | 海上蒸汽雾,冻烟
| Fog-like CLOUDS, due to the contact of cold air with relatively warm SEA WATER, which appear over newly formed LEADS and POOLS, or leeward, ... more | 冷空气和相对暖和的海水相接触而形成的雾状云。这种雾通常出现在新形成的冰间水路或池塘上空或者冰... more |
f-stop | 光圈级数
| See APERTURE: RELATIVE. | 参见relative aperture(相对孔径)。 |
fucus | 墨角藻
| See ROCKWEED. | 参见rockweed(岩藻)。 |
full moon | 满月,望月
| See PHASES OF THE MOON. | 参见phases of the moon(月相)。未见相关词汇。 |
function key | 功能键
| A special key on a computer which performs a preprogrammed function. | 计算机上一种特殊的键,通过该键可以执行预编程序的功能。 |
fundamental circle | 基本大圆
| See PRIMARY GREAT CIRCLE. | 参见primary great circle(基准大圆)。 |
furrow | 沟槽
| On the seafloor, a closed, linear, narrow, shallow depression. | 在海底上的一种封闭、线形、狭窄而且较浅的凹地。 |
fusion: stereoscopic | 立体拟合 | See STEREOSCOPIC FUSION. | 合并两幅透视图而产生三维模型感觉的过程。 |
gage | 验潮仪
| See GAUGE: TIDE. | 见tide gauge(验潮仪)。 |
gain | 增益
| The ration of output voltage, current or power to input voltage, current, or power in electronic instruments. | 在电子设备中输出电压、电流或者功率与输入电压、电流或者功率的比值。 |
gal | 伽 | (Derived from Galileo). The unit of ACCELERATION in the CGS SYSTEM. See MILLIGAL. | (来源于伽利略)。厘米•克•秒制中重力加速度的单位。见milligal(毫伽)。 |
gale | 大风
| WIND with a SPEED between 32 and 37 KNOTS (Beaufort scale wind force 8). | 速度在32节和37节之间的风(蒲福风力等级8级)。 |