Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
lower transit | 下中天
| See MERIDIAN TRANSIT. | 参见meridian transit(中天)。 |
lowest astronomical tide | 最低天文潮位
| The lowest tide level which can be predicted to occur under average meteorological conditions and under any combination of astronomical ... more | 在平均气象条件和任何组合的天文条件下,可以预报的最低潮位。 |
lowest low water | 最低低潮
| An arbitrary LEVEL conforming to the lowest TIDE observed at a place, or somewhat lower. | 与某处或略低的地方观测的最低潮相一致的任意水位。 |
low frequency (LF) | 低频
| See FREQUENCY: RADIO. | (LF)。参见radio frequency(无线电频率)。 |
lowland | 低地,洼地
| Low and relatively level LAND at a lower ELEVATION than adjoining districts. | 比相邻地段低且相对平的地方。 |
low oblique photograph | 浅倾航空像片 | See PHOTOGRAPH. | 视地平不在视场之内的倾斜摄影像片。 |
low tide | 低潮
| See LOW WATER. | 参见low water(低潮)。 |
low-tide elevation | 低潮高地
| A naturally formed area of land which is surrounded by and above water at low tide, but submerged at high tide. | 自然形成的陆地,被水体包围并在低潮时露出水面,但在高潮时被淹没。 |
low velocity layer | 低速层
| Any LAYER in which the VELOCITY of compressional wave propagation is lower than in the adjacent LAYERS. Such a LAYER can act as an efficient... more | 压缩波传播速度低于相邻层的某水层。这种水层可作为弹性波传播很长距离的一种有效通道。 |
low water (L.W.) | 低潮 | The lowest LEVEL reached at a place by the water surface in one OSCILLATION. Also called low tide. | (LW)。某地一次振荡中水面所达到的最低水位。也称为low tide(低潮)。 |
low water: double | NULL | A LOW WATER consisting of two minima separated by a relatively small elevation. See TIDE: DOUBLE. | NULL |
low water full and change (L.W.F. and C.) | 平均朔望低潮间隙 | The average interval of time between the TRANSIT (upper or lower) of the full or new MOON and the next LOW WATER. | (L.W.F. and C.)。满月或新月中天(上或下)和下一个低潮之间的平均时间间隔。 |
low water inequality | 低潮不等
| See DIURNAL INEQUALITY. | 参见diurnal inequality(日潮不等)。 |
low water interval | 低潮间隙
| See LUNITIDAL INTERVAL. | 参见lunitidal interval(月潮间隙)。 |
low water line | 低潮线
| See LOW WATER MARK. | 参见lunitidal interval(月潮间隙)。 |
low water lunitidal interval (L.W.I) | (月潮)低潮间隙 | Low water interval. See LUNITIDAL INTERVAL. | 低潮间隙。参见lunitidal interval(月潮间隙)。 |
low water mark | 低潮水位标志,低潮线
| The intersection of the plane of LOW WATER with the SHORE. The line along a COAST, or BEACH, to which the SEA recedes at LOW WATER. Also c... more | 低潮位与海岸的相交线。该线沿海岸或海滨,在低潮时海水退至低潮线。也称low water line。 |
low water quadrature (L.W.Q.) | 平均上下弦低潮间隙 | The average low water interval when the MOON is at QUADRATURE. | (L.W.Q.)。当月球处于上下弦时的平均低潮间隙。 |
low water stand | 低潮停潮
| See STAND OF TIDE. | 参见stand of tide(停潮)。 |
loxodrome | 等角航线,恒向线
| A curve, on the surface of a sphere, intersecting all GREAT CIRCLES of the sphere at a constant oblique angle, theoretically never reachin... more | 球面上的曲线,与球面所有的大圆呈等斜角相交,理论上它可以非常接近两极,但不达到极点。参见rhumb li... more |