Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
configuration of terrain | 地形
,地面轮廓 | The TOPOGRAPHY of a region. | 某地区的地形。 |
confluence | 汇集,汇流;合流 | Flowing together. The place where two or more RIVERS, STREAMS, etc. unite. In METEOROLOGY, progressive drawing together of the STREAMLINES ... more | 合为一股的水流。两条或多条河流、溪流汇集到一起的地方。
在气象学中,多条流线。 |
conformality | 正形性,等角性 | The special property of CONFORMAL PROJECTION, i.e. that of having correct relationship about a point. | 正形投影的一个独特性质,即一点与周围点保持正确的相互关系(无角度变形)。 |
conformal projection | 等角投影,正形投影
| See PROJECTION. | 在该投影中,任何点周围的角度投影后无变形,同一点上任意方向的比例均相等,正形投影中形状保持不... more |
conic (or conical) projection | NULL | See PROJECTION. | NULL |
conical buoy | 锥形浮(标)
| A BUOY the above water part of which is in the shape of a cone. | 一种露出水面部分形状为圆锥形的浮标。 |
conical projections | NULL | The map projections produced by projecting the geographic meridians and parallels onto a cone which is tangent to or intersects the surface ... more | NULL |
conjunction | (恒星、行星等的)合
| In ASTRONOMY, the situation of two CELESTIAL BODIES having the same CELESTIAL LONGITUDE or the same sidereal HOUR ANGLE. For a SUPERIOR PLAN... more | 在天文学中,两个天体黄经或恒星时角相等时称为合。对于外行星来说,当太阳位于地球和行星之间时才... more |
conjunction: inferior | 下合
| The CONJUNCTION of an INFERIOR PLANET and the SUN when the PLANET is between the EARTH and the SUN. | 当内行星处于地球和太阳之间(成一条直线)时,内行星和太阳的合。 |
conjunction: superior | 上合 | The CONJUNCTION of an INFERIOR PLANET and the SUN when the SUN is between the EARTH and the PLANET. | 当太阳处在地球和内行星之间时,内行星和太阳的结合称为“上合”。 |
connection: geodetic | 大地联测
| OBSERVATIONS on one or more STATIONS common to the two different geodetic schemes of TRIANGULATION to be incorporated. | 为了把两个不同的大地三角网联合起来,在它们公共的一个或者多个测站上实施的观测。 |
console | 控制台
| The housing of the main operating unit of electronic equipment, in which INDICATORS and general CONTROLS are located. A portion of a COMPUT... more | 电子设备的主要操作单元,其中包含指示器和通用控制器。
计算机中人工操控机器的部分。 |
consolidated pack ice | 堆积厚冰
| Pack ice in which the concentration is 10/10 (8/8) and the floes are frozen together. | 密集度为10/10(8/8)且冻结在一起的浮冰块。 |
conspicuous | 显而易见的
| (adj.). Term applied to an object either natural or artificial which is distinctly and notably visible from seaward. | 形容词。该术语用于那些从海上看清晰且显著的天然或人工物标。 |
constant deviation | (罗经的)恒定自差
| See DEVIATION. | 指在船首任何方向罗经自差均相同,这可能是由于非对称的水平放置软铁造成的。 |
constant error | 常差;固定误差
| See ERROR. | 一系列给定观测中的大小和符号均相同的系统误差。 |
constellation | 星座
| Formerly a number of FIXED STARS grouped within an imaginary outline. Now, a region of the CELESTIAL SPHERE marked by arbitrary boundary lin... more | 最早,指分布在某假想的轮廓范围内的许多恒星。现在指天球上用某种界线标明的区域。 |
constituent | 分潮
| See HARMONIC CONSTITUENT. | 参见harmonic constituent(调和分潮)。 |
constituent day | 分潮日
| See DAY. | 以在潮汐力中代表周期要素的一个假想恒星为基点,观测地球自转一周所经历的时间称为分潮日。其长短... more |
contact glass | 压片玻璃,承片玻璃,接触压平板 | See FOCAL PLANE PLATE. | 参见focal plane plate(压[承]片玻璃,接触压平板)。 |