Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
current: wind driven | NULL | A CURRENT formed by the force of the WIND. | NULL |
current chart | 海流图
| See CHART. | 描绘海流数据的海图。 |
current cycle | 潮流周期
| A complete set of tidal current conditions, as those occurring during a tidal day, lunar month, or Metonic cycle. | 完整的潮流状态集,如潮汐日、阴历月或月龄期间出现的潮流状态。 |
current difference | 潮差
| The difference between the TIME of SLACK WATER or STRENGTH OF CURRENT at a SUBORDINATE STATION and at its REFERENCE STATION. | 参考站和辅助站之间平潮时间差或流速差。 |
current direction | 流向
| See DIRECTION OF CURRENT. | 参见direction of current(流向)。 |
current line | 测流绳
| See CURRENT POLE. | 参见current pole(测流杆)。 |
current meter | 海流计,流速计
| An instrument for the measurement of either SPEED alone or of both direction and SPEED of a CURRENT. See CURRENT POLE, EKMAN CURRENT METER, ... more | 测量海流速度或者海流速度与方向的仪器。参见current pole(测流杆)、ekman current meter(艾克曼海流计)、P... more |
current pole | 测流杆
| A pole used to determine the direction and SPEED of a SURFACE CURRENT. The direction is determined by the direction of motion of the pole, a... more | 用于测量表面流方向和速度的杆。海流方向通过杆的运动方向确定,速度通过在规定时间内放出系在杆上... more |
current station | 验流站
,测流站 | The geographic location at which current observations are conducted. Also, the facilities used to make current observations. These may inclu... more | 实施海流观测的站点,包括用于海流观测的设备。观测设备包括:浮标、锚泊装置、海流计、记录系统及... more |
current tables | 潮汐表,海流表
| TABLES listing predictions of the TIMES and SPEEDS of TIDAL CURRENTS at various places, and other pertinent information. Also called tidal c... more | 列有不同地点潮汐时间和速度预报信息,以及其他永久性相关信息的表格。也称作潮流表。 |
cursor | 光标;游标;指示器
| A device used with an instrument, to provide a movable reference, as the runner of a SLIDE RULE, or the rotatable bearing indicator on a rad... more | 1.仪器中提供移动参考标志的设备,如滑尺的转轮或雷达显示屏的旋转方位指示线。
2.在计算机中,屏幕... more |
curvature correction | 曲率改正 | In ASTRONOMY, a CORRECTION applied to the mean of a series of OBSERVATIONS on a STAR or PLANET to take account of the divergence of the appa... more | 1.在天文学中,指在恒星或行星一系列观测中,对其观测值的平均值所施加的改正,以考虑恒星或行星视路... more |
curve: depth | 等深线
| See DEPTH CURVE. | 联接水深相同点的线。由于制图综合的运用,等深线有时候会移位到水深点、符号或其它图上细节要素的... more |
customhouse | 海关
| The office, especially in harbours, at which customs are collected. | 专门收取关税的部门,尤其指设在港口的海关。 |
Cust protractor | 卡斯特量角器;方形分度仪
| See PROTRACTOR. | 一种上面刻有度数和分度圆盘的透明赛璐珞方形或矩形片。所测角一般画在下边。 |
cut: angle of | NULL | See ANGLE: CROSSING. | NULL |
cutter | 快艇,巡逻艇
| A boat belonging to a warship. | 一种属于舰艇的小船。 |
cycle | 周期
| One complete series of events or PHENOMENA that recur regularly in the same sequence. See also FREQUENCY, HERTZ, PERIOD. | 事件或现象按相同次序有规律地重复出现的完整系列。亦可参见frequency(频率)、hertz(赫兹)、period(周... more |
cycle per second | 周/秒
| A unit of FREQUENCY more and more superseded by the HERTZ. | 频率的一个单位,更多的使用赫兹代替它。 |
cycloidal wave | 摆线波
| See WAVE. | 一种起伏很陡的对称波,其波峰成120度角,波的形式是一摆线形。即陡度最大的余摆线波。 |