Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
mean range (of tide) | 平均潮差
| The difference in the HEIGHT between MEAN HIGH WATER and MEAN LOW WATER. | 平均高潮和平均低潮间的潮高差。 |
mean rise (of tide) | 平均潮升
| The HEIGHT of MEAN HIGH WATER above the CHART DATUM. | 至海图基准面的平均高潮高度。 |
mean sea level | 平均海(平)面
| The average HEIGHT of the surface of the SEA at a TIDE STATION for all stages of the TIDE over a 19-year period, usually determined from h... more | 某验潮站在19年周期内所有潮汐阶段的海面平均高度,通常由至固定预设参考水准面(海图基准面)的每小... more |
mean solar day | 平太阳日
| See DAY: SOLAR. | 参见solar day(太阳日)。 |
mean solar time | 平太阳时
| See TIME. | 根据平太阳周日运动计算的时间,假定平太阳在天球赤道上作匀速运动,一回归年环绕一周,通常简称mean ... more |
mean sounding velocity | 平均声速
| Mean values for VELOCITY OF SOUND through the vertical water column of specific DEPTHS based on different VELOCITIES OF SOUND in different... more | 声波在不同区域水层的速度不同,平均声速是指声波在特定深度的垂直水层中速度的平均值。当使用回声... more |
mean sphere depth | 平均地球深度
| The uniform DEPTH to which the water would cover the EARTH if the solid surface were smoothed off and were parallel to the surface of the ... more | 指假定地表光滑且与大地水准面平行,覆盖地表的水体的均匀深度。该深度的公认值为2440米。海洋的平均... more |
mean spring range | 平均大潮差
| See SPRING RANGE. | 参见spring range(大潮差)。 |
mean spring rise | 平均大潮升
| The HEIGHT of MEAN HIGH WATER SPRINGS above the CHART DATUM. Also called spring rise. | 至海图基准面的平均大潮高潮高度。亦称spring rise(大潮升)。 |
mean square error | 中误差
| See ERROR. | 其平方等于各误差的平方和除以误差个数的值。 |
mean sun | 平太阳
| See SUN. | 沿天球赤道向东运动的假太阳。其速率提供了一种与平均视时间相等的均匀时间计量,用作为推算平时、... more |
mean tide level | 平均潮面
| See HALF TIDE LEVEL. | 参见half tide level(半潮面)。 |
mean time | 平时
| See TIME: MEAN SOLAR. | 参见mean solar time(平太阳时)。 |
mean water level | 平均水面
| The average surface level of a body of water. | 水体的平均水平面。 |
measured distance | 船速校验距离
| A COURSE at SEA, whose ends are indicated by RANGES ashore, and whose length has been accurately measured for determining the SPEED of ves... more | 两端点由岸上叠标标明,长度已精确测量以测定船舶航速的海上航线。 |
measured mile | 船速校验线
| A MEASURED DISTANCE of one NAUTICAL MILE. | 1海里的船速校验距离。 |
measurement | 尺寸
| The (detailed) dimensions of a physical quantity. | 指物理量的(详细)量度。 |
median line | 中线
| A line every point of which is equidistant from the nearest points on the baselines of two or more states between which it lies. | 每一点至两国或多国间的基线最近点距离相等的线。 |
median valley | 中央裂谷
| The axial DEPRESSION of the mid-oceanic RIDGE system. See RIFT. | 洋中脊轴部的坳陷。参见rift(断裂)。 |
medimarimeter | 平均海面仪
| An apparatus for recording the MEAN SEA LEVEL. | 记录平均海面的仪器。 |