Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
subsurface mark | 地下标志 | See UNDERGROUND MARK. | 一种测站标石;设置在地面标石的下面,为了防备地面标石遭到破坏,与地面标石隔开。亦称subsurface mark... more |
subsurface sound channel | 次表层水声波道 | The SUBMARINE SOUND CHANNEL which is adjacent to the water surface. | 邻近水表层的水中声波道。 |
subtense bar | 横测尺 | A horizontally held bar of precisely determined length, used to measure distances by observing the angle it subtends at the distance to ... more | 精密测量长度的水平标尺,用于在一定距离上观测其所对的角度而测定其距离。 |
subtense method | 横基尺测距法 | A procedure by which distance measurements are obtained by use of a SUBTENSE BAR. | 使用横测尺完成距离测量的工序。 |
sue | 干出(复浮)尺度 | The vertical amount which a vessel aground dries due to the fall of the TIDE. | 由于落潮使搁浅船只露出吃水线的垂直量。 |
sugar loaf | 锥形丘 | A descriptive term for a conical HILL. | 圆锥形小山。 |
sugar loaf sea | 锥形波(浪) | Waves that rise into sugar loaf shapes, with little WIND, possibly resulting from intersecting WAVES. | 小风时升起的呈圆锥形丘状波浪,可能产生于交叉波浪。 |
summer solstice | 夏至 | See SOLSTICE. | 黄道上距天球赤道最远的两点之一:即太阳最大南北偏角时位于天球上的两点中的一个。位于北半球时称... more |
summer time | 夏令时(间),日光节约时 | See TIME: DAYLIGHT SAVING. | 时区的调整型,通常比区时提前一小时。有时亦称summer time。 |
summit | 顶(点),顶峰 | The highest point, part or ELEVATION; top or APEX. | 最高的点,最高的部分或高地;顶点或顶峰。 |
Sumner line | 萨姆纳线
| A CELESTIAL LINE OF POSITION, particularly one established by the SUMNER METHOD. Named after Captain Thomas H. Sumner, the discoverer of t... more | 天体位置线,尤其指采用萨姆纳方法确定的天体位置线。因托马斯·H·萨姆纳发现天体位置线而得名。 |
Sumner method | 萨姆纳法
| The establishing of a LINE OF POSITION from the OBSERVATION of the ALTITUDE of a CELESTIAL BODY by assuming two LATITUDES (or LONGITUDES... more | 该方法系假定两个纬度(或经度),并计算位置线所通过的这两个纬度(或经度),再根据天体高度观测... more |
sun | 太阳 | The luminous CELESTIAL BODY at the centre of the SOLAR SYSTEM, around which other CELESTIAL BODIES revolve. | 位于太阳系中心的发光天体,其他天体围绕该发光天体旋转。 |
sun: apparent | 视太阳
,真太阳 | The actual SUN as it appears in the sky. Also called true sun. | 在天空出现的真实太阳。也称作真太阳( true sun)。 |
sun: mean | 平太阳
| A fictitious SUN conceived to move eastward along the CELESTIAL EQUATOR at a rate that provides a uniform measure of TIME equal to the avera... more | 沿天球赤道向东运动的假太阳。其速率提供了一种与平均视时间相等的均匀时间计量,用作为推算平时、... more |
sun: true | 真太阳
| See SUN: APPARENT. | 显现在天空的真实太阳。 |
sun compass | 太阳罗经 | See COMPASS. | 利用日晷阴影工作的一种天文罗经。 |
sundial | 日规,日晷(仪) | An instrument that indicates TIME by the position of the shadow of a pointer or GNOMON cast by the SUN on the face of a DIAL marked in HOURS... more | 记时的器具。在日光下,指针或日规指时针投影于标记时刻的盘面上,以其阴影位置计时。 |
sunken rock | 暗礁 | A ROCK potentially dangerous to SURFACE NAVIGATION, the SUMMIT of which is below the lower limit of the zone for ROCK AWASH. | 对水面航行有潜在危险的礁石,其顶点位于礁石适淹区的低界以下。 |
sunrise | 日出 | The crossing of the APPARENT HORIZON by the upper LIMB of the ascending SUN. | 太阳升起至上边缘越过视地平线。 |