Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
antenna | 天线
| A conductor or system of conductors for radiating or receiving RADIO WAVES. Also called aerial. | 用于发射或接收无线电波的导体或系统。亦称为aerial(天线)。 |
antenna: directional | 定向天线
| An ANTENNA for transmitting or receiving SIGNALS in, or from, a given direction. | 按照指定的方向发送或者接收信号的天线。 |
antenna: omnidirectional | 全向天线
| An ANTENNA having essentially uniform response in AZIMUTH and a directional pattern in ELEVATION. | 在水平方向灵敏度基本相同,在垂直方向具方向性的天线。 |
antenna: screened | 屏蔽天线 | Any ANTENNA which is screened in some way to counteract disturbances. | 以某种方式加以屏蔽以减少干扰的一种天线。 |
antenna: unidirectional | 单向天线
| An ANTENNA having a single well-defined direction of maximum radiation intensity or maximum GAIN. | 在一个方向上具有最大辐射密度或最大增益的一种天线。 |
anthelion | 幻日
| Pure white, rounded spot, but sometimes iridescent or surrounded by coloured rings or arcs, which appears on very rare occasions opposite th... more | 一种纯白色的圆点,但有时呈彩虹色或被彩色环或彩色孤所环绕。在极少情况下,该圆点出现在地平与太... more |
anticline | 背斜
| An arch of stratified ROCK in which the LAYERS bend downward in opposite directions from the CREST. | 一种层状拱形岩石,在该拱中岩层自山脊按相反的方向向下弯曲。 |
anticyclone | 反气旋
| Region of the ATMOSPHERE where the pressure is high relative to the surrounding region at the same LEVEL. It is represented on a SYNOPTIC CH... more | 反气旋指在同一高度上比周围大气气压高的大气区域。一般用等气压线或用额定气压的等高线表示在大气... more |
antimeridian | 逆子午线;反面子午线
| The MERIDIAN which is 180 deg of LONGITUDE from a given MERIDIAN. One MERIDIAN with its antimeridian constitute a complete GREAT CIRCLE. | 一条给定子午线加上180°夹角得到的子午线,子午线及其逆子午线构成一个完整的大圆。 |
antipode(s) | 对映点
| Place(s) on the surface of the EARTH directly opposite to each other. | 在地球表面上正好彼此相对的地点。 |
antiselena | 幻月
| Luminous PHENOMENON analogous to ANTHELION, the luminary being the MOON. | 类似幻日的发光现象,但发光体是月亮。 |
anti-trade | 反信风
| Air current with a westerly component which in various subtropical regions of either hemisphere sometimes blows above the TRADE WIND. | 南北两半球亚热带地区的信风上方有时出现的一种向西气流。 |
aperture: relative | 相对孔径
| For a photographic or telescopic LENS, the ratio of the EQUIVALENT FOCAL LENGTH to the diameter of the ENTRANCE PUPIL. Expressed as f: 4.5; ... more | 对摄像机或望远镜的透镜来说,等效焦距与入射光瞳直径之比,可表示为f:4.5;亦称 f-number(f数),f-stop... more |
aperture of antenna | 天线孔径
| The diameter of a reflector antenna, usually expressed in units of WAVE LENGTH. | 反射器天线的直径,通常采用波长单位表示。 |
aperture stop | 孔径光阑
| The physical element (such as a DIAPHRAGM, or lens periphery) of an OPTICAL SYSTEM which limits the size of the PENCIL of RAYS traversing th... more | 一种光学系统物理部件(如遮光板或透镜边缘),用于限制透过系统的光线束大小。也称作光圈。
透镜有... more |
apex | 顶点,脊
| The top, PEAK, or highest point of something, as of a MOUNTAIN. See also VERTEX. | 某种物体(如山)的顶、最高点、峰,如山顶。亦可参见vertex(顶点)。 |
apex: solar | 太阳向点 | The point of the CELESTIAL SPHERE towards which the SOLAR SYSTEM as a whole is moving. It lies in the CONSTELLATION of Hercules. | 太阳系作为一个整体运行所趋向的天球点。该点位于武仙星座。 |
aphelion | 远日点
| That orbital point farthest from the SUN when the SUN is the centre of attraction, as opposed to PERIHELION. | 当以太阳为引力中心时,距离太阳最远的轨道点就叫做远日点。与近日点(perihelion)相对。 |
aphotic | 无光的 | (adj.). Without light. | 形容词,没有光亮。 |
apochromatic lens | 复消色差透镜
| A LENS that has been corrected for CHROMATIC ABERRATION for at least three colours. | 至少能改正三种颜色色差的透镜。 |