Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
port | 港口;左舷
| A place provided with terminal and transfer facilities for loading and discharging cargo or passengers, usually located in a HARBOUR. The ... more | 海港中具有装卸货物、输送旅客设施的地方。
船的左舷(从正前方看)。相对位置的为右舷。 |
port authority | 港务局
| The entity responsible for administration and maintenance of harbour facilities. | 负责港口设施管理和维护的机构。 |
port handbook | 港口指南
| A handbook for a specific port. | 某一特定港口的指南。 |
position | 方位,坐标;位置
| DATA which define the location of a point with respect to a reference system. The COORDINATES which define such a location. The place occupi... more | 定义某一点相对于参考系统的位置的数据。确定该位置的坐标。该点在地球表面或空间所占的地方。 |
position: adjusted | 平差位置
| An adjusted value of the coordinate position of a point on the EARTH. | 地球上某点坐标的平差值。 |
position: apparent | 视位置
| In ASTRONOMY, the POSITION of a CELESTIAL BODY reduced to the centre of the EARTH. It differs from the position in which the object is obser... more | 在天文学中,指某一天体相对地球中心的位置。该位置不同于考虑折射、周日光行差和周日视差影响的天... more |
position: assumed | 假定位置
| A point at which a craft is assumed to be located, particularly one used as preliminary to establishing certain navigational DATA, as that... more | 假设的船舶位置点,特指主要用于确定一定航海数据的点。在地球表面上这样的点,其计算高度根据天文... more |
position: astronomical | NULL | A point on the EARTH whose COORDINATES have been determined as a result of OBSERVATION of CELESTIAL BODIES. The expression is usually used... more | NULL |
position: dead reckoning | NULL | The POSITION of a craft determined by DEAD RECKONING, or by advancing a previous POSITION for COURSES and distances. | NULL |
position: detached | 孤立位置点
| In HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY, an expression indicating a POSITION taken, to locate ROCKS, floating AIDS TO NAVIGATION, least DEPTHS on SHOALS or... more | 在海道测量中,用于指示礁石、浮标,浅滩或其它重要危险物、要素的最浅深度位置的词汇。 |
position: estimated | NULL | The most probable POSITION of a craft determined from incomplete DATA or DATA of questionable ACCURACY. Such a POSITION might be determine... more | NULL |
position: field | 初算位置(起始位置)
,外业计算位置 | A POSITION computed while field work is in progress to determine the acceptability of the OBSERVATIONS or to provide a preliminary POSITIO... more | 在外业测量工作实施过程中计算的位置,用来确定观测数据是否满足要求或者提供初始位置以用于其它目... more |
position: geodetic | 大地位置
| A point on the EARTH, the COORDINATES of which have been determined by TRIANGULATION from an initial STATION whose location has been esta... more | 从某一起始站进行三角测量而确定的地球上某一点的坐标。起始站的位置已根据天文观测的结果确定。这... more |
position: geographic(al) | 地理位置
| The POSITION of a point on the surface of the EARTH expressed in terms of LATITUDE and LONGITUDE, either ASTRONOMICAL or GEODETIC. A SUB... more | 用经度和纬度表示的地球表面某点的位置,既可以是天文位置,也可以是大地位置。 |
position: relative | 相对位置
| A point defined with reference to another POSITION, either fixed or moving. | 以其他固定或移动位置为参考所确定的点位。 |
position angle | 方位角,位角
| See PARALLACTIC ANGLE. | 参见parallactic angele(视差角,星位角)。 |
position angles | 位置角 | The two sextant angles observed on a SURVEY SHIP for determining its POSITION. | 在测量船上观测到的两个六分仪角度,用于确定船位。 |
position approximate | 概位 | Of inexact POSITION. The expression is used principally on CHARTS to indicate that the POSITION of a WRECK, SHOAL, etc., has not been ac... more | 不精确的位置,该术语主要用于在海图上表示那些未被精确测定或位置不固定的沉船、浅滩等的位置。通... more |
position circle | 位置圆
| See CIRCLE OF POSITION. | 参见circle of position(船位圈)。 |
position dilution of precision (PDOP) | 位置精度衰减因子
| See DILUTION OF PRECISION. | (PDOP)。参见dilution of precision(误差放大因子)。 |