Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
harbour: inner | 内港
| The part of a HARBOUR more remote from the SEA, as contrasted with the OUTER HARBOUR. These expressions are usually used only in a HARBOUR t... more | 与外港相比,港口离海更远的部分。这种表达通常只用于被狭窄航道或人工建筑物明显分割成两部分的港... more |
harbour: island | 岛港,岛式港口
| A HARBOUR formed, or mainly protected, by ISLANDS. | 由岛屿构成或主要被岛屿防护的港口。 |
harbour: outer | 外港
| The part of a HARBOUR towards the SEA, through which a vessel enters the INNER HARBOUR. | 船舶进入内港所必经的港口靠海部分。 |
harbour: tidal | 有潮港,潮汐港 | A HARBOUR affected by the TIDES, in distinction from a HARBOUR in which the water level is maintained by CAISSONS or gates. | 有潮汐影响的港,区别于由沉箱或闸门保持海面水位的港。 |
harbour chart | 港湾图,港口图
| See CHART. | 供船舶在港口、小型水道航行和锚泊的海图。 |
harbour line | 港界线
| The line beyond which wharves and other structures cannot be extended. | 港口的界线,超出这个范围不能建设码头和其它设施。 |
harbour master | 港务长
| A local official who has charge of mooring and berthing of vessels, collecting harbour fees, etc. | 负责船舶锚泊和靠泊、征收港口税等的当地官员。 |
harbour reach | 港口河段
| The reach of a winding RIVER or ESTUARY which leads directly to the HARBOUR. | 直接通向港口的曲折河流或河口区域。 |
harbour works | 港口工程
| Permanent man-made structures built along the coast which form an integral part of the harbour system such as jetties, moles, quays or other... more | 形成港口系统主要组成部分的永久性沿岸人工建筑物,如突码头、突堤、顺岸式码头或其他港口设施、沿... more |
hard bottom | 硬底
| The seafloor not covered by unconsolidated SEDIMENT. | 不被松散沉积物覆盖的海底。 |
hard iron | 硬铁
| Iron or steel which is not readily magnetized by induction, but which retains a high percentage of the MAGNETISM acquired. The opposite ... more | 不易被磁感应磁化,但可保持已磁化的磁性百分比很高的铁或钢。对应的是软铁。 |
hardware | 硬件
| All physical material components of a computer system as e.g. central processing unit (CPU), peripheral devices etc.. May also include ind... more | 组成计算机系统的所有物理设备,例如中央处理器(CPU)、外围设备等。也可以包括单个芯片。 |
harmonic | 谐波
| A sinusoidal quantity having a FREQUENCY that is an integral multiple of the FREQUENCY of a periodic quantity to which it is related. | 一种正弦波,其频率是基波的整数倍。 |
harmonic analysis of tide | 潮汐调和分析
| The mathematical process by which the observed TIDE at a place is analyzed by breaking it down into a number of constituent tides of simple ... more | 将某一地区的潮汐观测值分解成简单固定周期性力的若干分潮的数学分析方法,每个分潮都有一个固定周... more |
harmonic constants | 潮汐调和常数 | The AMPLITUDE and EPOCHS of the HARMONIC CONSTITUENT of the TIDE, or TIDAL CURRENT at any place. | 在任一地点潮汐或潮流调和分潮的潮幅和潮相。 |
harmonic constituent | 调和分潮
| One of the harmonic elements in a mathematical expression for the TIDE-PRODUCING FORCE, and in corresponding formulae for the TIDE or TIDAL ... more | 引潮力的数学表达式和相应的潮汐或潮流公式中的调和要素之一。每个分潮都代表地球、月球和太阳相对... more |
harmonic prediction | 调和预报,调和推算
| In tidal terminology, the method of predicting TIDES and TIDAL CURRENTS by combining the HARMONIC CONSTITUENTS into a single curve. The work... more | 在潮汐术语中,预报潮汐或者潮流的方法,它将调和分潮综合成一条简单的曲线。这项工作通常用一种专... more |
hatching | 影线
| The drawing or engraving of fine, parallel or crossed lines to show SHADING. | 精细绘制或刻绘的,表示阴影的平行线或交叉线划。 |
haven | 避风港
| An enclosed and protected HARBOUR. | 封闭和有防护的港口。 |
Hayford's spheroid | 海福德椭球体
| The SPHEROID based upon an investigation made in 1909 by Hayford, a geodesist of U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, using the large TRIANGULA... more | 由美国海岸和大地测量局大地测量学家海福德于1909年推导出的地球椭球体,它利用美国境内的大三角网,... more |