Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
radiobeacon buoy | 无线电指向标浮标
| See BUOY. | 装有无线电指向标的浮标。 |
radio bearing | 无线电方位
| See BEARING. | 在无线电测向站所测得的电磁波发射源的视方向与基准方向之间的夹角。 |
radiocommunications | 无线电通信
| Any TELECOMMUNICATION by means of RADIO WAVES. | 用无线电波进行的任何电子通信。 |
radio compass | 无线电罗经
| See RADIO DIRECTION FINDER. | 参见radio direction finder(无线电测向仪)。 |
radio direction finder | 无线电测向仪 | Radio receiving equipment which determines the direction of arrival of a SIGNAL by measuring the ORIENTATION of the WAVE FRONT or of the mag... more | 一种无线电接收设备,通过探测波阵面方位或磁、电方位确定信号来波方向。无线电测向仪可以是手工的... more |
radio direction finding (or finder) station | 无线电测向站
| A RADIO STATION intended to determine only the direction of other stations by means of transmission from the latter. | 根据其它台站所发射的信号测定其方向的无线电站。 |
radio fog signal | 无线电雾号
| See FOG SIGNAL. | 在能见度低时,由无线电指向标发出的周期性的清晰信号。 |
radio frequency | 无线电频率 | See FREQUENCY. | 无线电通信中,电磁波的有效辐射频率。无线电频率通常分为:甚低频(30千赫以内)、低频(30-300千赫)... more |
radio horizon | 无线电地平线
| The line at which direct RAYS from a transmitting ANTENNA become tangent to the EARTH's surface. Its distance from the transmitting ANTENNA ... more | 自发射天线发出的直接射线与地球表面相切的直线。这条线的距离比视距地平线要远,且随频率减小而增... more |
radiolocation | 无线电定位
| Determination of POSITION or of a LINE OF POSITION by means of radio equipment. See NAVIGATION: ELECTRONIC. | 用无线电设备确定位置或位置线,参见electronic navigation(电子导航)。 |
radio mast | 天线杆,无线电杆
| A tower, pole, or other structure for elevating an ANTENNA. | 用于架设天线的塔、杆或其他构筑物。 |
radiometer | 辐射计,放射计
| An instrument for measuring the intensity of RADIANT ENERGY. | 测定辐射能强度的仪器。 |
radio navigation | 无线电导航
| See NAVIGATION: ELECTRONIC. | 参见electronic navigation(电子导航)。 |
radio navigational warning | 无线电航行警告
| See NAVIGATIONAL WARNING. | 参见navigation warning(航行警告)。 |
radio range | 无线电指向信标
| A radio facility the emissions of which are intended to provide a definite course guidance. | 发射用于确定航向信息的无线电设备。 |
radio range station | 无线电指向台
| A radio navigation land station in the aeronautical radio navigation service providing radio EQUISIGNAL ZONES. In certain instances a radio ... more | 航空无线电导航设备的陆地站,提供无线电等信号区。有些情况下也安装在船上。 |
radio receiver | 无线电接收机
| Equipment for receiving radio signals and converting them into usable form. | 接收无线电信号并转换为可应用信息的装置。 |
radio signals: list of | NULL | See LIST OF RADIO SIGNALS. | NULL |
radiosonde | 无线电高空测侯仪,无线电探空仪
| Instrument carried through the ATMOSPHERE, equipped with devices permitting one or several meteorological elements (pressure, temperatur... more | 一种高空探测仪器。可探测一项或几项气象要素(压力、温度、湿度等),并用无线电发射机发回这些信... more |
radio sonobuoy | 无线电声纳浮标
| See SONOBUOY. | 参见sono-buoy(声呐浮标)。 |