Term | Istilah indonesia | Definition | Definisi Bahasa Indonesia |
territorial waters | Perairan teritorial | See TERRITORIAL SEA. | Lihat LAUT TERITORIAL. |
tesla | tesla | The unit of magnetic flux density in the SI SYSTEM. | Unit kepadatan aliran magnetic di SISTEM SI. |
test | cangkang | The hard covering or supporting structure of many invertebrates; it may be enclosed within an outer layer of living tissue; a SHELL. | Penutup keras atau struktur pendukung banyak invertebrate; dapat menempel di lapisan luar jaringan yang hidup; CANGKANG. |
Texas tower | Menara Texas | A fixed tower mounted on the CONTINENTAL SHELF or on a SHOAL, used to drill and operate gas or petroleum wells, and to provide a platform for AIDS TO ... more | Menara tetap yang dibangun di LANDAS BENUA atau di perairan DANGKAL, yang digunakan untuk membor atau mengoperasikan sumur gas atau minyak tanah, dan ... more |
thalweg | thalweg | See TALWEG. | Lihat TALWEG. |
thaw | Pencairan salju | Melting of SNOW and/or ICE, at the EARTH's surface, following a temperature rise above 0°C. | Cairnya SALJU dan/atau ES, di permukaan BUMI, akibat suhu naik di atas 0?C. |
thematic map | Peta tematik | See MAP. | Lihat PETA. |
theodolite | teodolit | A precision surveying instrument consisting of an ALIDADE with a TELESCOPE. It is mounted on an accurately graduated CIRCLE and is equipped with nec... more | Instrumen survei presisi yang terdiri dari ALIDADE dengan TELESKOP. Dipasang di LINGKARAN ukur secara akurat dan dilengkapi dengan ALAT UKUR serta ala... more |
theodolite: direction | teodolit: arah | A THEODOLITE in which the graduated HORIZONTAL CIRCLE remains fixed during a series of OBSERVATIONS, the TELESCOPE being pointed on a number of SI... more | TEODOLIT yang mana LINGKARAN HORISONTAL ukur dalam posisi tetap selama serangkaian PENGAMATAN, TELESKOP ditujukan ke sejumlah SINYAL atau obyek secara... more |
theodolite: face(s) of | teodolit: permukaan | See FACE(S) OF THEODOLITE. | Lihat PERMUKAAN TEODOLIT. |
theodolite: repeating | teodolit: mengulang | A THEODOLITE so designed that successive measures of an angle may be accumulated on the graduated CIRCLE, and a final reading of the CIRCLE made which... more | TEODOLIT yang dirancang agar ukuran sudut berturut-turut dapat diakumulasi pada LINGKARAN ukur, dan pembacaan akhir LINGKARAN yang dibuat menunjukkan ... more |
theodolite: transit | teodolit: transit | See TRANSIT. | Lihat TRANSIT. |
theodolite axes | Sumbu teodolit | See AXIS: HORIZONTAL and AXIS: VERTICAL. | Lihat SUMBU: HORISONTAL dan SUMBU: VERTIKAL. |
theodolite drag | Penahan teodolit | See DRAG (of THEODOLITE). | Lihat PENAHAN (TEODOLIT) |
theoretical error | kesalahan teoretis | See ERROR. | Lihat KESALAHAN. |
thermal equator | Ekuator panas | See EQUATOR. | Lihat EKUATOR. |
thermal layer | Lapisan panas | See THERMOCLINE. | Lihat TERMOKLIN. |
thermocline | termoklin | A vertical negative temperature gradient in some LAYER of a body of water, which is appreciably greater than the GRADIENTS above and below it; also a ... more | Lereng suhu negatif vertikal di beberapa LAPISAN badan air, yang cukup besar dari LERENG di atas dan di bawahnya; juga LAPISAN, yang mana LERENG terse... more |
thermocline: transient | termoklin: sementara | A small decrease in vertical temperature observed above the THERMOCLINE. It is a short-term PHENOMENON associated primarily with diurnal heating and... more | Penurunan kecil di suhu vertikal yang diamati di atas TERMOKLIN. Itu merupakan FENOMENA jangka pendek yang dihubungkan dengan pemanasan harian dan per... more |
thermogram | termogram | Record made by a THERMOGRAPH. | Rekaman yang dibuat oleh TERMOGRAF. |