Term | Terme français | Definition | Définition française |
geodetic line | NULL | See GEODESIC LINE. | NULL |
geodetic longitude | NULL | See LONGITUDE. | NULL |
geodetic meridian | NULL | See MERIDIAN. | NULL |
geodetic parallel | NULL | See PARALLEL. | NULL |
geodetic position | NULL | See POSITION. | NULL |
geodetic survey | NULL | See SURVEY. | NULL |
geographic(al) coordinates | NULL | See COORDINATES. | NULL |
geographic information system | Système d'information géographique (SIG) | A computer based system for handling and integrating data from a variety of sources which is directly or indirectly spatially referenced to ... more | Systèmemd'information géographique (SIG). BASE DE DONNÉES localisées, de caractère géographique ou assimilé. |
geographic(al) latitude | NULL | See LATITUDE. | NULL |
geographic(al) longitude | NULL | See LONGITUDE. | NULL |
geographic(al) meridian | NULL | See MERIDIAN. | NULL |
geographic(al) parallel | NULL | See PARALLEL. | NULL |
geographic(al) pole | NULL | See POLE. | NULL |
geographic(al) position | NULL | See POSITION. | NULL |
geographic(al) range | NULL | See RANGE. | NULL |
geoid | Géoïde | The FIGURE OF THE EARTH considered as a mean sea level surface extended continuously through the CONTINENTS. The actual geoid is an EQUIPO... more | Géoïde.ma)SURFACE DE NIVEAU du champ de pesanteur terrestre, prolongeant sous les terres émergées la surface moyenne des ocÉans. Le gé... more |
geologic(al) survey | NULL | See SURVEY. | NULL |
geologic(al) time | NULL | See TIME. | NULL |
geology | Géologie | The science which has for its object the investigation of the EARTH's CRUST, of the STRATA which enter into its composition with their mutua... more | Géologie.f Science qui a pour objet l'étude de la structure de l'ÉCORCE TERRESTRE, des COUCHES qui la composent et de leurs relations mu... more |
geology: submarine | Géologie sous-marine | A field of study which applies the science of GEOLOGY to the earth beneath the SEA. | Géologiefsous-marine. Domaine de la gÉologie qui a trait aux parties de la Terre situées sous les OCÉANS. |