Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
fixed angle plot | 定角标示法
| (British terminology). Plot prepared in advance for use in normal SOUNDING in lieu of a STATION POINTER. The arcs of equal angle subtended b... more | 在正常的测深作业前编绘的图表,用来取替三脚分度仪。按照一定的间隔在水深板上绘制选定标志的对向... more |
fixed angle sounding | 等角测深 | See SOUNDING. | 一种沿已知位置的物体所对圆弧测深的方法。对于每一条弧,保持不变的角(等角),与另外一对物体所... more |
fixed platform | 固定平台、钻井台
| See FIXED STATION. | 参见fixed station(固定无线电定位台)。 |
fixed star | 恒星
| A STAR. The expression is used particularly to distinguish STARS from other HEAVENLY BODIES; so called by ancients to distinguish STAR... more | 一种天体。特别用于将恒星与其他天体区别开来;古人之所以用这个名称,是要把它区别于运动的行星。 |
fixed station | 固定无线电定位台;观测站
| A radiolocation station which is situated in one particular spot throughout the period of its operation. As opposed to MOBILE STATION. A... more | 在整个工作期间都位于某一固定地点的无线电定位台。对应的术语是移动电台;也称为岸上定位台。在海... more |
fixing | 定影
| The process of rendering a developed photographic image permanent by removing the unaffected light-sensitive material. | 除去未感光的材料,使影像显示并得以稳定的过程。 |
fixing interval | 定位间隔
| The time or distance elapsed between two subsequent fixes. | 两次相邻定位之间的时间间隔或者距离。 |
fjord | NULL | See FIORD. | NULL |
flare stack | 火炬烟囱、火炬管
| A tall structure used for burning-off waste oil or gas. | 用于燃烧废油或者废气的高大建筑。 |
flare triangulation | 闪光三角测量
| See TRIANGULATION. | 一种在带伞照明弹的帮助下进行同步观测的三角测量的方法。这种方法适用于普通方法难于观测的长距离... more |
flat | 平滩
| A level tract of LAND, as the BED of a dry LAKE or an area frequently uncovered at LOW TIDE. Usually in plural. | 指一片广阔的平地(例如干湖床)或者低潮时经常露出海面的区域。 |
flat-bed plotter | 平板绘图仪
| A plotter which uses a flat surface to mount the drawing base. | 一种在平面上固定绘图板的绘图仪。 |
flattening of the earth | 地球扁率
| The ratio of the difference between the equatorial and polar radii of the EARTH (major and minor semi-axes of the SPHEROID) and its equatori... more | 地球的长、短半径(椭球体的长短半轴)之差和长半径(长半轴)之比。地球的扁率就是椭球体的扁率。... more |
flight altitude | 飞行高度,航高
| See ALTITUDE. | 飞机飞行时至某一基准面(通常是平均海平面)的距离。 |
flight strip | 航带,条幅式照片
| A succession of overlapping AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS taken along a single COURSE. | 沿着一条单一航线拍摄的一系列有重叠的照片。 |
Flinders bar | 夫林德斯铁,垂直软铁 | A bar of soft unmagnetized iron placed vertically near a MAGNETIC COMPASS to counteract DEVIATION caused by MAGNETIC INDUCTION in vertical S... more | 在磁罗盘附近垂直放置的非磁化软铁,用于抵消由船舶垂直软铁磁感应引起的磁偏差。 |
float | 浮子
| Any buoyant object attached to nets or fishing lines: term also used for the small buoys used for current observations. | 系在渔网或者钓鱼绳上的浮体。该术语也指海流观测中使用小型浮标。 |
float gauge | 浮子验潮仪
| See GAUGE. | 利用浮力原理工作的一种验潮仪。它是一个垂直固定的高盒子,底部有开口,海水从底部进入,由里面的... more |
floating breakwater | 浮式防波堤
| A contrivance consisting of a series of square frames of timber connected by mooring chains or CABLES attached to anchors or stone blocks in... more | 将一系列方木柱用系泊链或者绳子连在一起,再系于水下锚或者石块上,采用这种方式将某一海区围成盆... more |
floating dock | 浮船坞
| See DOCK. | 干船坞的一种。它由一节或者多节漂浮结构组成。可以控制向浮船坞舱内灌水,使浮船坞部分下沉来接收... more |