Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
direction of wind | 风向
| Direction from which the WIND blows. Also called wind direction. | 风吹来的方向。也称为wind direction(风向)。 |
direction theodolite | 测向经纬仪
| See THEODOLITE. | 一种经纬仪。使用测向经纬仪时,在一系列观测中度盘位置保持不变,望远镜顺序照准信号或者物体,通... more |
direct levelling | 直接水准测量
| See LEVELLING. | 通过一系列连续的短水平线确定两点间的高程差。短水平线同附近的地标高差通过配备水平仪的水准测量... more |
direct wave | 直接波,直达波
| See WAVE. | 地面电磁波的空间分量。这种波在空间直线传播,例如在发射机和接收机之间沿最短路径传播。 |
disc | 磁盘 | (U.S. disk). Rotating storage medium composed of one or two usable surfaces or a vertical assembly of such discs with a common axis. Typical... more | (美国术语)。旋转的存储介质,由一个或者两个可使用的面组成,或者沿一个共同的轴垂直组装多个磁... more |
discoloured water | 变色海水
| Unnatural coloured areas in the SEA due to the existence of SHOALS. SEA WATER having a colour other than the blues and greens normally seen.... more | 在海洋中由于存在浅滩而海水颜色为非自然颜色的区域。海水颜色不是我们正常所看到的蓝色或者绿色。... more |
discontinuity layer | 不连续层
| See THERMOCLINE. | 参见thermocline(温跃层)。 |
discrepancy | 偏差,不符值,互差 | A difference between results of duplicate or comparable measures of a quantity. The difference in computed values of a quantity obtained by ... more | 对某一个量进行重复测量或者不同的方法所得测量结果之差。也指利用同一测量数据采用不同的计算方法... more |
discrepancy in position | 位置不符值 | The difference between a reckoned and an observed position at the same time. | 在同一时刻计算位置与观测位置之间的差异。 |
discriminator | 鉴频器
| A radar circuit that produces a RESPONSE which depends upon the FREQUENCY of the input signal. A transponder beacon circuit which accepts PU... more | 产生回应的雷达电路,回应取决于输入信号的频率。一种无线电应答信标,它接受适当宽度的脉冲而拒绝... more |
dish aerial | 碟形天线,抛物面天线
| A parabolic aerial for the receipt and transmission of high frequency radio signals. | 一种抛物面天线,用于接收和发射高频无线电信号。 |
dispersion | 色散;频散
| The separation of RADIANT ENERGY into its various components. In optics, the separation of light into its component colours by its passage t... more | 将辐射能分解成它的各种成分。在光学中,指采用衍射光栅或者折射方式(例如棱镜)将光分离成各种单... more |
displacement | 位移
| In RADIOLOCATION, the half of the band of uncertainty having as its centre line an ELECTRONIC LINE OF POSITION. In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, any shi... more | 在无线电定位中,将无线电定位线作为中心线时无线电波段不确定值的一半。在摄影测量中,指摄影相片... more |
displacement drafts | 实际吃水
| See DRAFT. | 参见draft(吃水)。 |
display | 显示
| A visual presentation of data. | 数据的可视化表达。 |
distance finding station | 测距台
| A RADIOBEACON equipped with a synchronized SOUND SIGNAL to provide a means of determining distances from the source of the SOUND, by measuri... more | 一种装备有同步声音信号的无线电信标电台,它提供了一种通过测量信号接收时间差确定声源距离的方式... more |
distance measuring equipment (DME) | 测距装置
| See ELECTRONIC DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT. | (DME)。参见electronic distance measuring equipment(电子测距设备)。 |
distance reduction | 距离归算 | See REDUCTION TO SEA LEVEL. | 参见reduction to sea level(海平面归算)。 |
distortion | 失真
| An undesired change in WAVEFORM. In optics, an aberration affecting the position of the IMAGES off the AXIS, in which objects at different A... more | 一种不希望得到的波形变化。
在光学中,影响图像像点位置的像差,物体的失真大小随距主轴角距离不同... more |
distortion: angular | 角变形,角度畸变
| In CARTOGRAPHY, DISTORTION in a PROJECTION because of non-conformality. See CONFORMALITY. | 在制图学中,由于投影的非正形性所产生的变形。 |