Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid | 通用横轴墨卡托投影格网
| See GRID. | 在地球北纬80度至南纬80度之间区域采用横轴墨卡托投影的一种制图格网系统。 |
unprotected reversing thermometer | 无保护颠倒温度计,开管颠倒温度表
| See THERMOMETER. | 未加防流体静压装置的颠倒温度计。与闭管海水温度计一起使用,可确定测温深度。 |
unrecoverable station | 不可恢复站 | See STATION. | 不能找到,且不能与新的基准进行三角测量联测的三角测站。 |
unsurveyed area | 未测区
| An area where HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY data is non-existent. | 不存在海道测量数据的区域。 |
unsurveyed clearance depth | 未测安全深度
| The estimated depth over an unsurveyed wreck or obstruction over which the exact depth is unknown but which is considered to have a safe cle... more | 对未测失事船只或障碍物的估计深度,其准确深度并不知道,但可以认为是安全净深。 |
upland | 高地,旱地
| The higher GROUND of a region contrasted with the VALLEYS and PLAINS. Used in contrast to LOWLAND. | 某一地区的较高地面,与山谷、平原有别。反义词是lowland(低洼地)。 |
uplifted reef | 干出礁
| A CORAL REEF exposed above water level. | 露出水面的珊瑚礁。 |
upper branch | 上(半)子午圈
| That half of a MERIDIAN or CELESTIAL MERIDIAN from POLE to POLE which passes through a place or its ZENITH. | 穿过某地或其天顶从地球一极至另一极子午圈或天球子午圈的一半。 |
upper culmination | 上中天
| Upper TRANSIT. | 参见Upper transit(上中天)。 |
upper limb | 上边缘
| See LIMB. | 测角仪器的刻度部分,如航海六分仪的度盘附有高程分划尺等。
天体的圆形外缘,其最大高度的一半称上... more |
upper limit of navigability | 适航性上限
| The character of a river will, at some point along its length, change from navigable to non‑navigable. Very often that point will be at a ... more | 沿河道的一些点;在这些点处河道由适航变为不适航。这些点多在大型瀑布或湍流处,或适航性明显降低... more |
upper transit | 上中天
| See MERIDIAN TRANSIT. | 指天体在天球子午圈的视通过。上中天是穿过天球子午圈上半子午圈的通过。下中天是穿过下半子午圈的... more |
uprush | 浪花上冲
| The rush of water up onto the BEACH following the breaking of a WAVE. See RUN-UP. | 浪涌后水冲上海滩。 |
upstream | 向上游的,上游地
| (adj. & adv.). Toward the SOURCE of a STREAM. The opposite is DOWNSTREAM. | 指向河流的源头。反义词是downstream(顺流的)。 |
upwelling | 上涌,上升流
| The process by which water rises from a lower to a higher DEPTH, usually as a result of DIVERGENCE and offshore CURRENTS. See SINKING. | 水由浅处向深处涌起,常由水流辐散及沿岸流造成。 |
upwind | 上风的,逆风地
| (adj. & adv.). In the direction from which the WIND is blowing. The opposite is DOWNWIND. | 风刮来的方向。反义词是downwind(顺风)。 |
vacuum lead | 真空导管
| A CORER which makes use of HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE to force a tube into the BOTTOM SEDIMENT. | 一种岩芯提取设备,可利用流体静压力将其管子打入底层沉淀物内,以提取岩芯。 |
valley | 谷,凹地
| A long DEPRESSION or hollow in the LAND lying between HILLS or stretches of high GROUND and usually having a RIVER or STREAM flowing along t... more | 山或连绵高地间的凹陷或凹地,其底部常有河流或溪流流过。 |
valley: median | 中央裂谷
| See MEDIAN VALLEY. | 洋中脊轴部的坳陷。参见rift(断裂)。 |
valley: submarine | 海底山谷 | A relatively shallow wide DEPRESSION, the bottom of which usually has a continuous GRADIENT. This term is generally not used for features th... more | 一种较浅、坡度变化较缓的宽凹陷地,其底部逐步向下延伸。本词用于描述广义上的无峡谷特性地形。 |