Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
phase velocity | 相位速度,(周)相速度
| VELOCITY, measured over a short time period, at which a particular WAVE CREST is propagated a medium. | 在短时间周期内所测得的特定波峰在某种媒介中传播的速度。 |
phenomenon | 现象
| (pl. phenomena). Any fact, circumstance, or experience that is apparent to the senses and that can be scientifically described or appraised;... more | (复数phenomena)任何可感知并可进行科学描述或估价的事实、情况或经验;如日食是一种天文学现象。 |
phonometer | 声响度计,声强计
| An instrument for measuring the intensity or FREQUENCY of SOUNDS. | 测量声音强度或频率的仪器。 |
phosphorescence | 磷光(现象)
| The production of light without sensible heat. Emission of electromagnetic RADIATION by a substance as a result of previous absorption of ... more | 不显热发光。
物质通过吸收短波长辐射继而发射出的电磁辐射。与荧光不同,在照射停止后,该辐射将持... more |
phot | 厘米烛光
| The unit of ILLUMINATION in the CGS system. | 厘米/克/秒制中照度单位。 |
photic | 透光的
| (adj.). Of SEA WATER, that is penetrated or influenced by sunlight. | (形容词)。描述被阳光穿透或受阳光影响的海水。 |
photoalidade | 摄影照准仪
| A photogrammetric instrument having a telescopic ALIDADE, a plateholder, and a hinged ruling arm mounted on a tripod frame. It is used for... more | 配有一架望远镜照准仪、一个硬片暗匣以及一个安装在三脚架上的活动连接支杆的摄影测量仪器。该仪器... more |
photo base | 像片基线
| The length of the AIR BASE as represented on a PHOTOGRAPH. | 像片上表示的摄影基线的长度。 |
photocompose | 照相排版
| (v.t.). To combine distinct parts of chart original by photographic processes. | (动词)。通过照相法对原图的不同部分进行组合。 |
photocontrol point | 像片控制点
| See CONTROL POINT. | 参见control point(控制点)。 |
photodelineation | 像片整饰
| The DELINEATION of features on a PHOTOGRAPH. See also COMPILATION. | 对像片上的要素进行的勾绘。亦见compilation(编绘)。 |
photoelectric pilot | 光电导向仪,光电驾驶仪
| A device for automatic steering in conjunction with the MAGNETIC COMPASS. Its pinnacle unit, or directive element, consists of a high-grade ... more | 与磁罗经相连的一种自动驾驶仪。其尖形单元或定向装置由特殊结构的高级磁罗经、简单灯光系统及光电... more |
photoengraving | 照相凸版制版,照相凸版印刷
| A process by which PHOTOGRAPHS are reproduced on printing plates especially one in which the REPRODUCTION is in relief: opposed to PHOTOGRAV... more | 将像片复制在印刷版上的过程,特指与照相凹版制版相反的凸版复制。通过此过程制出的印刷版。使用该... more |
photogoniometer | 像片量角仪;光电测角计
| An instrument for measuring angles from the true PERSPECTIVE CENTRE to points on a PHOTOGRAPH. | 角度测量仪器,用于测量从真透视中心到航摄像片上各点的角度。 |
photogram | 测量像片,航摄像片
| A survey photograph. Either of a pair of stereoscopic PHOTOGRAPHS. | 测量像片。一对立体航摄像片中的任何一张。 |
photogrammetric camera | 摄影测量摄像机
| See CAMERA. | 摄影测量学的所有分支中所使用的摄影机的通称。 |
photogrammetric control | 摄影测量控制
| See CONTROL. | 用摄影测量法所建立的控制,它不同于地面测量法所建立的控制。亦称minor control(次等控制)。 |
photogrammetric extension | 摄影测量控制加密 | See PHOTOTRIANGULATION. | 参见phototriangulation(像片三角测量)。 |
photogrammetric survey | 摄影测量
| See SURVEY. | 通过地面或航空摄影像片来进行测量的测量方式。 |
photogrammetry | 摄影测量学
| The science or art of obtaining reliable measurements from PHOTOGRAPHS. | 从像片中获取可靠的测量数据的科学或技术。 |