Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
protractor: three arm | 三臂分度器 | An instrument consisting essentially of a circle graduated in DEGREES, to which is attached one fixed arm and two arms pivoted at the cent... more | 一种以刻有读数的圆盘为基础的仪器,它连接着一个固定臂和两个中心互为旋转的臂,其支架可使其与固�... more |
province | 范围,地区 | In OCEANOGRAPHY and in a morphological sense, a region composed of a group of similar physiographic features whose characteristics are mar... more | 从海洋学及地貌学的角度来看,指一片与周围区域具有相似自然地理特性、但其特点却完全与之相反的水�... more |
psephyte | 砾屑岩,砾状岩 | A coarse fragmental ROCK (conglomerate) or DEPOSIT composed of rounded PEBBLES. | 粗碎屑岩(砾岩)或是由磨圆卵石组成的沉积物。 |
psychrometer | (干湿球)温度计,干湿计
| Instrument used to measure the humidity of the ATMOSPHERE. It comprises two identical THERMOMETERS, the bulb of one of which is dry, while... more | 用于测量大气湿度的仪器。它包括两个相同温度计,其中一个温度计的水银球是干的,另一个是湿的,有�... more |
pseudorange | 伪距
| The time shift required to align (correlate) a replica of the GPS code generated in the receiver with the received GPS code, scaled in... more | 由接收机自身产生的码与接收到的GPS码之间的时移乘以光速测算出的距离。该时移即接收信号(接收机时�... more |
puddle | (冰上)融水坑
| An accumulation on the ICE of melt water, mainly due to melting SNOW, but in the more advanced stages also to the melting of ICE. Initial st... more | 冰上积聚融水的地方,这些融水主要来自于融化雪,但在较高级的阶段亦来自融化冰。在最初阶段融水由�... more |
pull | 打样
| An impression from an individual printing PLATE. | 由专用印刷版进行的一次性印刷。 |
pulsar | 脉冲星
| A rotating neutron star emitting electromagnetic radiation in regular pulses related to its rotational period. | 按照其旋转周期以规律的脉冲形式发送电磁辐射的旋转中子星。 |
pulse (or impulse) | 脉冲
| A variation of quantity whose value is normally constant (often zero), the variation being characterized by a rise and a decay. A common exa... more | 一种量变,其值在正常情况下保持不变(一般为零),这种量变为一升一降。通常的例子是指电磁能短暂�... more |
pulse length | 脉冲宽度,脉冲持续时间
| The time interval during which the amplitude of a pulse is at or greater than a specified value, usually stated in terms of a fraction or ... more | 脉冲振幅等于或大于规定值时所持续的时间间隔,通常用最大值的分数或百分率表示。 |
pulse modulation | 脉冲调制
| See MODULATION. | 形成超短脉冲载波的过程,中间通过相对较长的时间加以分隔,在这段时间里不发射载波。 |
pulse radio altimeter | 脉冲无线电测高仪
| See ALTIMETER: RADIO. | 参见radio altimeter(无线电测高仪)。 |
pulse repetition rate | 脉冲重复频率
| The rate at which recurrent PULSES are transmitted, usually expressed in PULSES per SECOND. | 发射周期性脉冲的频率,通常用脉冲数/秒表示。 |
pumice | 轻石,浮石
| An excessively cellular, glassy LAVA. It is very light and can float on water until it becomes waterlogged and sinks. | 一种蜂窝状玻璃质熔岩。浮石非常轻,可在水上浮动直至被水浸透而沉降。 |
punch register system | 打孔定位装置
| System involving the use of prepunched holes in the flat and plate and a set of plastic pins or buttons which are used in registering succee... more | 该装置利用平面板和印刷板上预穿的孔以及用来套准接续平面板的塑料钉或扣,使图像在印刷板上定位,�... more |
punched (or punch) card equipment | 穿孔卡片机
| A system whose principal feature is that numbers are recorded on cards by means of holes punched in successive columns of a card, the row of... more | 一种机器,其主要特性是利用卡片上按照连续的列打出的孔进行数字记录(卡片的行数表明了位数)。 |
pycnocline | 密度跃层,密度梯度
| A vertical positive density GRADIENT in some LAYER of a body of water, which is appreciably greater than GRADIENTS above and below it. | 水体某层的垂直正向密度梯度明显比上一层或下一层大。 |
Q-factor | Q因子
| The pressure coefficient of the unprotected THERMOMETER expressed in °C. | 以摄氏度(℃)表示的、未加防护罩的温度计压力系数。 |
QTG station | 无线电测向台
| A RADIO STATION which is prepared to provide QTG service, that is to say, to transmit upon request from a ship, a radiosignal, the BEARING o... more | 提供无线电询问(QTG)服务的无线电台,它应船只要求发射无线电信号,据此测定船只方位。 |
quadrant | 象限仪,四分仪
| A double-reflecting instrument for measuring angles. It is similar to a SEXTANT, but has an arc of 90°. Also a surveying or astronomical ... more | 用于测角的双反射仪器,与六分仪相似,但有90°的弧。亦指一种由宽度约90°的刻度弧及照准装置组成的测... more |