Eng ID | Term | Definition |
3301 | minus soundings | See SOUNDING. |
3302 | minute | The sixtieth part of an HOUR; sixty SECONDS. The sixtieth part of a DEGREE of arc; sixty SECONDS. |
3303 | mirage | Optical PHENOMENON consisting essentially of steady or wavering, single or multiple, upright or inverted, vertically enlarged or reduced, IM... more |
3304 | mirage: inferior | Particular case of MIRAGE, occurring over stretches of water, land, SHORES, roads, etc. strongly heated by INSOLATION, and in which the vi... more |
3305 | mirage: superior | Special case of MIRAGE, observable over snow-fields, cold SEAS, etc., in which the virtual IMAGE is above the actual object. The case in whi... more |
3306 | mire | A piece of wet swampy GROUND. |
3307 | mirror | Any surface which produces IMAGES by REFLECTION of LIGHT RAYS. |
3308 | mist | Suspension in the air of microscopic water droplets or wet hygroscopic particles, reducing the VISIBILITY at the EARTH's surface. |
3309 | mixed current | See CURRENT. |
3310 | mixed layer | In OCEANOGRAPHY, the surface layer of virtually isothermal water, which frequently exists above the THERMOCLINE. The thickness of the la... more |
3311 | mixed seas | The state of the sea resulting from the interaction of wind, waves, and swell. |
3312 | mixed tide | See TIDE. |
3313 | moat (or sea moat) | An annular DEPRESSION that may not be continuous, located at the base of many SEAMOUNTS, oceanic islands and other isolated ELEVATIONS. |
3314 | mobile rig | See RIG. |
3315 | mobile station | A radiolocation station intended to be used at unspecified points. As opposed to FIXED STATION. |
3316 | mock moons | Name given sometimes to PARASELENAE, PARANTISELENAE and ANTISELENAE when they are bright. |
3317 | mock suns | Name often given to PARHELIA, PARANTHELIA and ANTHELIA when they are particularly bright. |
3318 | mock-up | A model of something to be used for testing or study. |
3319 | modulated wave | See WAVE. |
3320 | modulating wave | See WAVE. |