Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
triangulation: flare | 闪光三角测量
| A method of TRIANGULATION in which simultaneous OBSERVATIONS are made on parachute flares. This method is used for extending TRIANGULATI... more | 一种在带伞照明弹的帮助下进行同步观测的三角测量的方法。这种方法适用于普通方法难于观测的长距离... more |
triangulation: floating | 水上三角测量
| In hydrographic SURVEYING, a TRIANGULATION that may be carried out by means of anchored BUOYS when surveying at such a distance from the LAN... more | 在海道测量中,当测量区域距离陆地较远以致于岸上标志不能直接用来进行水深定位时而采用的锚定浮标... more |
triangulation: order of | 三角测量等级
| See TRIANGULATION CLASSIFICATION. | 参见triangulation classification(三角测量等级)。 |
triangulation: radial | 辐射三角测量
| See RADIAL TRIANGULATION. | 在空中三角测量中,无论是解析法或图解法,均利用自每一重叠像片辐射中心或近辐射中心绘出的方向线... more |
triangulation: ship-to-shore | 船/岸(水陆)三角测量 | A method of TRIANGULATION involving simultaneous OBSERVATIONS from three shore STATIONS on a target carried by a ship offshore of the middle... more | 一种三角测量方法,采用从三个岸上站同时对中间站离岸船只携带的物标进行观测。中间站与两个端点站... more |
triangulation classification | 三角测量等级 | The classifying of TRIANGULATIONS into first-order, second-order, and third-order triangulation, according to the ERROR OF CLOSURE OF TR... more | 根据三角形闭合差将三角测量划分为一、二、三等。一等三角测量平均闭合差不得超过1秒;二等不得超过3... more |
triangulation net | 三角网 | ARCS OF TRIANGULATION, sometimes with lines of TRAVERSE, connected together to form a system of loops or circuits extending over an area. So... more | 三角弧,有时用导线连接起来在海上形成一个回线或环形网络。而覆盖在某一海区,当与小岛屿联测时,... more |
triangulation point | 三角点 | See STATION: TRIANGULATION. | 地面上的可恢复测站,其地理位置已经通过使用大地测量仪器以角测量法确定。三角点是经挑选设置了测... more |
triangulation signal | 三角测量觇标 | See SIGNAL. | 竖立在三角点之上或其旁边的坚固结构,或指经三角测量获得其位置的天然及人工标志。此术语可指其位... more |
triangulation station | 三角点 | See STATION. | 地面上的可恢复测站,其地理位置已经通过使用大地测量仪器以角测量法确定。三角点是经挑选设置了测... more |
triangulation tower | 三角测量塔 | A TRIANGULATION SIGNAL consisting of two separate structures, independent of one another an inner structure which supports the THEODOL... more | 一种三角测量觇标,由两个互相分离的独立结构即内架和外架组成,内架用于设置经纬仪以及觇标或信号... more |
tribrach plate | 三脚台 | A demountable, three-armed plate which is attached to an instrument stand or survey tower and on which the bottoms of the FOOTSCREWS of th... more | 一种可拆卸的三臂台架,配置在仪器台或测墩上,仪器脚螺旋底部可置于三脚台滚槽沟纹内。 |
tributary | 支流 | A RIVER which joins a larger one. | 汇入较大河流的江河。 |
trigonometric levelling | 三角高程测量 | See LEVELLING. | 用观测垂直角并结合测线长度的方法来确定高差。 |
trigonometric station | 三角点 | See STATION: TRIANGULATION. | 地面上的可恢复测站,其地理位置已经通过使用大地测量仪器以角测量法确定。三角点是经挑选设置了测... more |
trilaterate | 三边测量 | The process of TRILATERATION. | 三边测量的过程。 |
trilateration | 三边测量 | A method of surveying wherein the lengths of the triangle sides are measured, usually by electronic methods, and the angles are computed... more | 三角形边长的测量方法,通常采用电子测量方法,然后再根据边长计算角度。与triangulation(三角测量)相... more |
trim | 纵倾 | The way in which a ship floats on the water, in relation to her fore-and-aft line, whether on an even keel or down by the bow or by the ster... more | 一艘船漂浮在水面上的方式,相对于船艏到船尾的线,船或是平稳的、或是船艏向水下、或是船尾向水下... more |
tripod | 三脚架 | A three-legged stand for THEODOLITE, CAMERA, SIGNALS, etc. | 经纬仪、照相机、标志等的三臂架。 |
tripod signal | 三脚觇标 | See SIGNAL. | 三脚架形的三角测量觇标,施测者能把经纬仪安置于其上,并在不移动标的状态下实施观测。 |