Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
tide(s): secondary | NULL | Those additional TIDES HIGHER LOW WATERS and LOWER HIGH WATERS that occur twice a MONTH (when the MOON is over the EQUATOR) in a general pat... more | NULL |
tide: semidiurnal | 半日潮 | A TIDE in which the TIDAL CYCLE consists of two HIGH WATERS and two LOW WATERS each TIDAL DAY, with comparatively little DIURNAL INEQUALIT... more | 其潮汐周期为每个潮汐日有两个高潮和两个低潮的潮汐,其日潮不等相对较小。 |
tide(s): shallow water | NULL | A distortional effect upon astronomically generated TIDE caused by SHALLOW WATERS. See also TIDE(S): QUARTER-DIURNAL. | NULL |
tide: single day | NULL | See TIDE: DIURNAL. | NULL |
tide: slack | 平潮 | See SLACK WATER. | 潮流速度非常弱或等于零时的间隙;一般指落潮流和涨潮流之间的逆转期。 |
tide: solar | 太阳潮 | That part of the TIDE due solely to the TIDE-PRODUCING FORCES of the SUN, as distinguished from that part caused by the forces of the MOON. | 主要由太阳引潮力引起的那部分潮汐,不同于由月亮引起的潮汐。 |
tide(s): solsticial | NULL | TIDES occurring near the TIMES of the SOLSTICES, when the TROPIC RANGE is especially large. | NULL |
tide(s): spring | NULL | The TIDES of increased RANGE occurring near the TIMES of FULL MOON and NEW MOON. | NULL |
tide: storm | 风暴潮 | See STORM SURGE. | 由于海水表面风的应力作用引起的开阔海岸正常水平面的上升。风暴波涛产生于飓风或其它强烈风暴以及... more |
tide: syzygy | 朔望潮 | The TIDE which takes place on the afternoon of the day the SUN and MOON are in SYZYGY. (This term is now little used). | 在太阳与月亮处于朔望的这天下午所发生的潮汐。 |
tide: tropic | 回归潮
| The TIDE that occurs twice monthly when the effect of the MOON's maximum DECLINATION north or south of the EQUATOR is greatest. | 当月亮在赤道南部或北部赤纬最大时每月发生两次的潮汐。 |
tide: vanishing | 失潮,缺潮
| The PHENOMENON occurring when a HIGH and LOW WATER 'melt' together into a period of several hours with a nearly constant water level. The ... more | 当高潮和低潮在若干小时的周期内混合在一起,并保持在某一接近稳定的水位上时所发生的现象。该种潮... more |
tide: weather | 迎风潮,气象潮
| See TIDE: WINDWARD. | 一种迎风潮流。 |
tide: windward | 迎风潮
| A TIDAL CURRENT setting to windward. Also called weather tide. | 一种迎风潮流。亦称weather tide(气象潮)。 |
tide-bound | (船舶)等潮水的;受潮水阻碍的 | (adj.). Unable to proceed because of insufficient DEPTH of water due to tidal action. | 由于落潮而导致水深不足,从而不能航行。 |
tide bulge | 潮波 | See TIDE WAVE. | 因月亮和太阳引潮力所引起的长周期波;与潮汐的涨落相一致。亦称tide bulge。参见tide(潮汐), tidal movem... more |
tide crack | 潮汐冰裂 | The fissure at the line of junction between an immovable ICEFOOT or ICE WALL and FAST ICE, the latter being subject to the RISE and fall o... more | 因贴岸冰受到涨潮和落潮的冲击,在不动冰脚或冰壁与贴岸冰之间结合处发生的裂缝。 |
tide curve | 潮汐图,潮位曲线 | Any graphic representation of the RISE and fall of the TIDE. TIME is generally represented by the abscissae and the HEIGHT of the TIDE by or... more | 任何表示涨潮和落潮的图形。时间一般用横坐标表示,潮汐高度用纵坐标表示,正常潮汐曲线大致表示为... more |
tide cycle | NULL | See TIDAL CYCLE. | NULL |
tide gate | 潮路,急流区 | A restricted passage through which water runs with great SPEED due to tidal action. | 涨落潮时流速大的狭窄水道。 |