Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
surface navigation | 水面航行 | See NAVIGATION. | 某一交通工具在地球表面上的航行。该词用来特指船只在水面上的航行。 |
surface of position | 位置面 | A surface on some point of which a craft is located. | 船只位于其某些点上的平面。 |
surface reflection | 表层(面)反射 | The return of SOUND RAYS to depth after striking the sea surface. | 声射线遇到海水表面后向深处返回。 |
surface temperature | 表层水温 | Temperature of the water of the surface layer of the SEA (or LAKE, RIVER, etc.). | 海或湖泊、江河等表层水的温度。 |
surface wave | 表面波 | See WAVE. | 一种行进重力波,其波动(即液块中质点运动与面运动相同)限制在水体的上限。严格地说,该词用于其... more |
surf zone | 破浪(波)带 | The area between the outermost BREAKER and the limit of wave UPRUSH. | 浪花的最外缘和冲岸浪外围之间的区域。 |
surge | 浪涌;急变,冲击;前后摇;气象潮 | A ship's bodily motion forward and backward along the longitudinal axis, caused by the force of the sea acting alternately on the bow and st... more | 锚泊船只的升起和降落。
某种量的突然、瞬间变化,如电路里的电流冲击。 |
surge | 浪涌;急变,冲击;前后摇;气象潮 | v.i.). To rise and fall, as a vessel at anchor. To vary abruptly and momentarily in amount, as an electric current in a circuit. | 锚泊船只的升起和降落。
某种量的突然、瞬间变化,如电路里的电流冲击。 |
surge: negative | 负涌浪
| An occasion when the level of the sea is lower than the predicted level. It is caused by meteorological conditions. | 海平面低于预报水平的现象,它是由气象条件引起的。 |
surge: positive | 正气象潮
| An occasion when the level of the sea is higher than the predicted level. It is caused by meteorological conditions. | 因气象条件引起的海平面高于其预报平面的现象。 |
surging breaker | 激散碎波 | See BREAKER. | 一种在沿岸、暗礁等处破碎的波浪,碎浪大体可分为三种(尽管各种都相互交错):崩涌碎浪通过相当长... more |
surround | 图廓 | See MARGIN. | 在制图学中,指在地图或海图图廓外面的区域。“'Margin'”比“surround”常用。 |
survey | 勘测,测量,调查;测量记录,测量资料;测量机构(队,组) | The orderly process of determining DATA relating to the physical or chemical characteristics of the EARTH. The act or operation of making ... more | 测定关于地球物理、化学性质的有序过程。完成地球表面之上、之下各点相对位置的观测作业和活动。上... more |
survey: aerial | 航空测量
| A SURVEY using AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS as part of the surveying operation; also the taking of AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS for surveying purposes. | 使用航摄像片进行测量作业。也包括用于测量目的的航空摄影。 |
survey: cadastral | 地籍测量
| A SURVEY relating to land boundaries and subdivisions, made to create units suitable for transfer or to define the limitations of title. Als... more | 一种与土地边界和划界相关的测量,用于建立适于流转的单元或确定土地权属。也称作土地测量。 |
survey: coastal | 沿海测量
| HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY of coastal area including COASTLINING. | 沿海区域的海道测量,包括海岸线测量。 |
survey: exploratory | 勘测
| A SURVEY executed for the purpose of obtaining general information concerning areas about which such information was not, previously, a matt... more | 为获取关于某一区域总体信息(之前并没有这些信息的记录)而实施的测量或者调查。 |
survey: geodetic | 大地测量
| A SURVEY in which the figure and size of the EARTH is considered. It is applicable for large areas and long lines and is used for the precis... more | 研究地球形状或者大小的测量。大地测量应用于大范围、长路线,并用于基本测站的精密定位,这些测站... more |
survey: geologic(al) | 地质测量,地质调查
| A SURVEY or investigation of the character and structure of the EARTH, of the physical changes which the EARTH'S CRUST has undergone or is u... more | 有关地球性质和构造、地壳已经或正在发生的物理变化,以及产生这些变化的原因的测量或者调查。 |
survey: graphic control | NULL | A skeleton SURVEY made by PLANE TABLE for the purpose of (a) locating the HYDROGRAPHIC SIGNALS, (b) locating additional CONTROL from AERIAL ... more | NULL |