Eng ID | Term | Definition |
1061 | coordinates: plane rectangular | A system of COORDINATES in a HORIZONTAL PLANE used to describe the POSITIONS of points with respect to an arbitrary ORIGIN by means of two... more |
1062 | coordinates: polar | A system of COORDINATES used to describe the POSITION of a point in space with respect to an arbitrarily chosen ORIGIN by means of two DIREC... more |
1063 | coordinates: rectangular | COORDINATES on any system in which the axes of reference intersect at right angles. |
1064 | coordinates: space | In PHOTOGRAMMETRY the term may refer to any general three-dimensional coordinate system used to define the POSITION of a point in the object... more |
1065 | coordinates: spherical | A system of POLAR COORDINATES in which the ORIGIN is the centre of a sphere and the points all lie on the surface of a sphere. The POLAR AXI... more |
1066 | coordinates: strip | The COORDINATES of any point in a strip, whether on the GROUND or actually an AIR STATION, referred to the ORIGIN and axes of the air coordi... more |
1067 | coordinate system | A fixed system of lines used to define the position of a point, line, or plane. |
1068 | coordinatograph | An instrument used to plot in terms of PLANE RECTANGULAR COORDINATES. It may be an integral part of a STEREOSCOPIC PLOTTING INSTRUMENT where... more |
1069 | coplane: basal | In PHOTOGRAMMETRY, the condition of EXPOSURE of a pair of PHOTOGRAPHS in which the two PHOTOGRAPHS lie in a common plane parallel to the AIR... more |
1070 | copper plate | Polished PLATE on which manuscript drawings were formerly engraved for the printing of CHARTS. |
1071 | coral | Hard calcareous skeletons of many tribes of marine polyps. |
1072 | coral head | A massive mushroom or pillar shaped coral growth. |
1073 | coral reef | A REEF, often of large extent, composed chiefly of CORAL and its derivatives. |
1074 | co-range line | A line through points of equal TIDE RANGE. |
1075 | cordillera | A RANGE or system of MOUNTAINS. |
1076 | core | The central or innermost part of anything. See CENTROSPHERE. In OCEANOGRAPHY, a vertical, cylindrical sample of the BOTTOM SEDIMENTS from w... more |
1077 | core barrel | The tubular section of a core sampling device. Bottom sediment samples are collected either directly in the core barrel or in a plastic line... more |
1078 | core catcher | A mechanical device located at the bottom of a CORE BARREL to retain a BOTTOM SAMPLE. |
1079 | corer | A device for obtaining a CORE; a hollow tube that is driven into the ocean floor. Also called coring instrument or coring device. See CORER:... more |
1080 | corer: hydroplastic | A deep sea coring device, developed at the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, to obtain 3 1/2-inch diameter cores up to 12 FEET in length. The... more |