Eng ID | Term | Definition |
82 | albedo | The ratio of radiant energy reflected to that received by a surface, usually expressed as a percentage. |
83 | alga | A plant of simple structure which grows chiefly in water, such as the various forms of seaweed. |
84 | aliasing | An occurence in tidal analysis when the sea level varies with a period that is less than the sampling period. Due to the varying position of... more |
85 | alidade | Pivoted sight bar that moves over a graduated arc. The upper part of a THEODOLITE. The alidade used in topographic SURVEYING consists of a s... more |
86 | alignment | The placing of objects along a straight line. In NAVIGATION, the bringing into line of two or more conspicuous objects, such as LIGHTS, BEAC... more |
87 | alignment correction (tape) | See TAPE: ALIGNMENT CORRECTION. |
88 | alignment of base | The laying out of a BASE LINE in correct ALIGNMENT by means of a THEODOLITE and range poles, before the length of the line is measured. |
89 | alkalinity | The number of milliequivalents of hydrogen ions that are neutralized by 1 KILOGRAM of SEA WATER at 20°C when a large excess of acid is adde... more |
90 | almanac | A periodical publication of astronomical data useful to a navigator. It contains less information than an ephemeris, and values are generall... more |
91 | almanac: air | A periodical publication containing various computed astronomical DATA primarily intended for use in AIR NAVIGATION. See also EPHEMERIS. |
92 | almanac: nautical | An annual publication containing various computed astronomical DATA primarily intended for use in MARINE NAVIGATION. See also EPHEMERIS. |
93 | almucantar | Any SMALL CIRCLE on the CELESTIAL SPHERE parallel to the HORIZON. Also called parallel of altitude. |
94 | alphanumeric | Contraction of alphabetic-numeric. Characters including letters of the alphabet and numbers. |
95 | alt-azimuth instrument | An instrument equipped with both horizontal and vertical graduated CIRCLEs, for the OBSERVATION of horizontal and vertical DIRECTIONS or ang... more |
96 | altimeter | An instrument that indicates directly the HEIGHT above a reference surface. |
97 | altimeter: barometric | A sensitive ANEROID BAROMETER calibrated to read the HEIGHT above a pressure datum according to the standard atmospheric pressure-to-height ... more |
98 | altimeter: pulse radio | See ALTIMETER: RADIO. |
99 | altimeter: radar | See ALTIMETER: RADIO. |
100 | altimeter: radio | Any instrument used for determining an aircraft's flight altitude by the measurement of time intervals between the emission and return of el... more |