Eng ID | Term | Definition |
3801 | phase velocity | VELOCITY, measured over a short time period, at which a particular WAVE CREST is propagated a medium. |
3802 | phenomenon | (pl. phenomena). Any fact, circumstance, or experience that is apparent to the senses and that can be scientifically described or appraised;... more |
3803 | phonometer | An instrument for measuring the intensity or FREQUENCY of SOUNDS. |
3804 | phosphorescence | The production of light without sensible heat. Emission of electromagnetic RADIATION by a substance as a result of previous absorption of ... more |
3805 | phot | The unit of ILLUMINATION in the CGS system. |
3806 | photic | (adj.). Of SEA WATER, that is penetrated or influenced by sunlight. |
3807 | photoalidade | A photogrammetric instrument having a telescopic ALIDADE, a plateholder, and a hinged ruling arm mounted on a tripod frame. It is used for... more |
3808 | photo base | The length of the AIR BASE as represented on a PHOTOGRAPH. |
3809 | photocompose | (v.t.). To combine distinct parts of chart original by photographic processes. |
3810 | photocontrol point | See CONTROL POINT. |
3811 | photodelineation | The DELINEATION of features on a PHOTOGRAPH. See also COMPILATION. |
3812 | photoelectric pilot | A device for automatic steering in conjunction with the MAGNETIC COMPASS. Its pinnacle unit, or directive element, consists of a high-grade ... more |
3813 | photoengraving | A process by which PHOTOGRAPHS are reproduced on printing plates especially one in which the REPRODUCTION is in relief: opposed to PHOTOGRAV... more |
3814 | photogoniometer | An instrument for measuring angles from the true PERSPECTIVE CENTRE to points on a PHOTOGRAPH. |
3815 | photogram | A survey photograph. Either of a pair of stereoscopic PHOTOGRAPHS. |
3816 | photogrammetric camera | See CAMERA. |
3817 | photogrammetric control | See CONTROL. |
3818 | photogrammetric extension | See PHOTOTRIANGULATION. |
3819 | photogrammetric survey | See SURVEY. |
3820 | photogrammetry | The science or art of obtaining reliable measurements from PHOTOGRAPHS. |