Eng ID | Term | Definition |
3401 | navigability | Of a vessel: capability of being controlled and steered. Of a water area: capability of being navigated. |
3402 | navigable | (adj.). Affording passage to a craft; capable of being navigated. |
3403 | navigable area surveys (NAS) | Navigable Area Surveys are basic hydrographic surveys with restricted area coverage. The coverage is reduced by omitting requirements for:... more |
3404 | navigable semicircle | See DANGEROUS SEMICIRCLE. |
3405 | navigable waters | Waters usable, with or without improvements, as routes for commerce in the customary means of travel on water. |
3406 | navigation | The process of directing the movement of a craft from one point to another. |
3407 | navigation mark | An artificial or natural object of easily recognisable shape or colour, or both, situated in such a POSITION that it may be identified on a ... more |
3408 | navigation: acoustic | See NAVIGATION: SONIC. |
3409 | navigation: aerial | See NAVIGATION: AIR. |
3410 | navigation: air | The NAVIGATION of aircraft. Occasionally called aerial navigation or navigation. See NAVIGATION: SURFACE. |
3411 | navigation: astro | See NAVIGATION: CELESTIAL. |
3412 | navigation: celestial | NAVIGATION with the aid of CELESTIAL BODIES. Also called astro-navigation. |
3413 | navigation: coastwise | NAVIGATION in the vicinity of a COAST, in contrast with OFFSHORE NAVIGATION. |
3414 | navigation: Doppler | NAVIGATION using equipment employing Doppler shift measurement techniques with respect to transmitted and reflected SIGNALS to automatic... more |
3415 | navigation: electronic | NAVIGATION by means of electronic equipment. The expression 'electronic navigation' is more inclusive than radio navigation, since it includ... more |
3416 | navigation: grid | NAVIGATION by the use of GRID DIRECTIONS. |
3417 | navigation: hyperbolic | NAVIGATION by the use of HYPERBOLIC LINES OF POSITION. |
3418 | navigation: inertial | DEAD RECKONING performed automatically by a device which gives a continuous indication of POSITION by double integration of ACCELERA... more |
3419 | navigation: land | NAVIGATION of vehicles across LAND or ICE. The expression is generally used in connection with the crossing of a region devoid of roads or L... more |
3420 | navigation: long range | NAVIGATION requiring only aids usable at long RANGE, relatively few of which could provide world coverage. The opposite is SHORT RANGE NAVIG... more |