Term | Istilah indonesia | Definition | Definisi Bahasa Indonesia |
magnetic dip | DIP magnetik | See DIP. | Lihat DIP. |
magnetic element | elemen magnetik | VARIATION, DIP, or MAGNETIC INTENSITY. | VARIASI, DIP, atau INTENSITAS MAGNETIK. |
magnetic equator | ekuator magnetik | See EQUATOR. | Lihat EKUATOR. |
magnetic field | medan magnet | The space in which a magnetic influence exists. | Ruang di mana pengaruh magnet ada. |
magnetic field intensity | intensitas medan magnet | The magnetic force exerted on a UNIT MAGNETIC POLE placed at any specified point of space. It is a vector quantity. Its direction is taken as the dire... more | Gaya magnet diberikan pada SATUAN KUTUB MAGNETIK ditempatkan pada setiap titik tertentu dari ruang. Ini adalah besaran vektor. Arahnya diambil sebagai... more |
magnetic field strength | kekuatan medan magnet | See MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY. | Lihat INTENSITAS MEDAN MAGNETIk. |
magnetic inclination | inklinasi magnetik | See DIP. | Lihat DIP. |
magnetic induction | induksi magnetik | The act or process by which material becomes magnetized when placed in a MAGNETIC FIELD. | Tindakan atau proses dimana bahan menjadi magnet ketika ditempatkan di MEDAN MAGNET. |
magnetic intensity | intensitas magnetik | See MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY. | Lihat INTENSITAS MEDAN MAGNETIK. |
magnetic latitude | lintang magnetik | See LATITUDE. | Lihat LINTANG. |
magnetic lines of force | garis gaya magnetik | Closed lines indicating by their direction the direction of magnetic influence. | garis tertutup yang arahanya menunjukkan arah pengaruh magnet. |
magnetic meridian | meridian magnetik | See MERIDIAN. | Lihat MERIDIAN. |
magnetic moment | momen magnetik | The quantity obtained by multiplying the distance between two MAGNETIC POLES by the average strength of the poles. | kuantitas yang diperoleh dengan mengalikan jarak antara dua KUTUB MAGNET dengan kekuatan rata-rata kutub. |
magnetic needle | jarum magnetik | A small, slender magnetized bar which tends to align itself with MAGNETIC LINES OF FORCE. | Sebuah batang magnet ramping kecil yang cenderung selaras dengan GARIS MAGNETIK GAYA. |
magnetic north | utara magnetik | See NORTH. | Lihat UTARA. |
magnetic observation(s) | pengamatan magnetik (s) | See OBSERVATION. | Lihat PENGAMATAN. |
magnetic observatory | observatorium magnetik | A place where buildings are equipped for observing temporal changes in the EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD. | Sebuah tempat di mana bangunan dilengkapi untuk mengamati perubahan temporal dalam medan magnet bumi. |
magnetic permeability | permeabilitas magnetik | The property of a magnetizable substance that determines the degree in which it modifies the magnetic flux in the region occupied by it. | Bagian zat yang dapat dimagnetkan yang menentukan tingkat di mana ia memodifikasi fluks magnetik di wilayah yang terisi olehnya. |
magnetic pole | kutub magnet | Either of the two places on the surface of the EARTH where the magnetic DIP is 90°, that in the northern hemisphere being designated north magnetic p... more | Salah satu dari dua tempat di permukaan bumi di mana DIP magnetik adalah 90 °, bahwa di belahan bumi utara yang designatednorth kutub magnet, dan bah... more |
magnetic range | jarak magnetik | See RANGE. | Lihat JARAK. |