Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
dark slide | 遮光板
| See SLIDE: DARK. | 安放在摄影机暗盒中,使之避光的薄板(通常是金属或纤维制成,刚性或柔性)。 |
data | 资料;数据
| A representation of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalised manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing. | 以规则的方式表示的事实、概念或指令,适用于交流、解释或处理。 |
data bank | 数据仓库
| A collection of DATA in a common location, relating to a given set of subjects. Usually comprised of several DATA BASES considered as an ent... more | 位于同一位置、指定主题的数据集合。通常由一些数据库实体组成。 |
data base | 数据库
| An organised collection of DATA stored so as to be capable of use by relevant applications with the DATA being accessed by different logical... more | 一种有组织的存储的数据集,可通过不同逻辑路径进行数据访问和应用,数据库应用应是独立的。 |
data base management system | 数据库管理系统
| A set of software for creating, maintaining and accessing the DATA of a DATA BASE. | 用于创建、维护、存取数据库中数据的软件。 |
data processing | 数据处理
| Any operation carried out with data usually with the help of a computer. | 任何借助计算机处理数据的操作。 |
data retrieval | 资料检索
| The extraction of data which meet certain criteria from a FILE or DATA BANK. | 从一个文件或资料库中检索满足指定条件的资料。 |
data set | 数据集
| A logical entity of data consisting of several elements (fields) grouped under one criterion. | 一个逻辑数据实体,包含以一个标准进行分组的要素(字段)。 |
data telemetry | 数据遥测
| Measuring a quantity, and transmitting the measured value to a distant station where further processing takes place. | 测量一个值,并将测量值传输到远处站点进行进一步的数据处理。 |
date line | 日界线
| The line coinciding approximately with the 180th MERIDIAN, at which each calendar day first begins, the BOUNDARY between the -12 and +12 TIM... more | 地球表面180°经线附近的一条假想线,边界在-12到+12时区之间,民用日从该线最先开始。这条线两侧的日期... more |
datum | 基准
| Any numerical or geometrical quantity or set of such quantities which may serve as a reference or base for other quantities. In geodesy a da... more | 作为参考或基础的数值、几何量或类似量的集合。在大地测量中,基准是指参考面或参考坐标系统,包括... more |
datum: chart | 海图基准面 | A permanently established surface from which SOUNDINGS or tide heights are referenced, usually LOW WATER. Also called DATUM, datum level, DA... more | 水深或水位永久参考面,通常采用低潮面作为海图基准面。也称作基准、基准水准、基准面、海道测量基... more |
datum: geodetic | 大地基准面
| A set of parameters specifying the reference surface or the reference coordinate system used for geodetic control in the calculation of coor... more | 描述在地球表面点位坐标计算中用作大地测量控制的参考表面或者参考坐标系统的一系列参数。通常大地... more |
datum: levelling | 水准基准,高程基准 | See DATUM: VERTICAL CONTROL. | 参见vertical control datum(高程控制基准)。 |
datum: sounding | 测深基准面 | The horizontal plane or TIDAL DATUM to which the SOUNDINGS on a HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY are reduced. Also called datum for sounding reduction. | 海道测量中作为水深起算面的水平面或潮汐基准面。亦称datum for sounding reduction。 |
datum: tidal | 潮汐基准面 | A LEVEL of the SEA defined by some PHASE of the TIDE, from which water depths and HEIGHTS OF TIDE are reckoned. | 按某些潮汐相位确定的一种海平面,根据该海平面可推算出水深和潮高。 |
datum: vertical control | NULL | Any LEVEL SURFACE (e.g., MEAN SEA LEVEL) taken as a surface of reference from which to reckon ELEVATIONS. Also called datum level, reference... more | NULL |
datum for heights | 高程基准
| See DATUM: VERTICAL CONTROL. | 参见vertical control datum(垂直控制基准)。 |
datum for sounding | 水深基准
| See DATUM: SOUNDING. | 参见sounding datum(水深基准)。 |
datum for sounding reduction | 深度起算基准面
| See DATUM: SOUNDING. | 参见sounding datum(水深基准)。 |