Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
compass calibration | 罗经校正
| See SWINGING SHIP. | 参见swinging ship(自差校正)。 |
compass card | 罗经刻度盘,罗经面
| That part of a COMPASS on which the direction graduations are placed. Also referred to as card. | 罗经的一个部件,其上刻有方向刻度。 |
compass compensation | 罗经补偿,罗经自差补偿 | See COMPENSATION OF MAGNETIC COMPASS. | 参见compensation of magnetic compass(磁罗经校正)。 |
compass corrector | 罗经磁差校正器
| See COMPENSATOR: MAGNETIC. | 参见magnetic compensator(磁差校正器)。 |
compass course | 罗经航向 | See COURSE. | 参见course(航向)。 |
compasses: pair of | NULL | See COMPASS. | NULL |
compass meridian | 罗经子午线
| See MERIDIAN. | 通过磁罗经南、北两点的线。罗经刻度盘轴线位于磁子午线上。 |
compass needle(s) | 罗经磁针
| Magnetized steel needle(s) of high RETENTIVITY that tends to keep north-south line of COMPASS CARD in MAGNETIC MERIDIAN. | 高保磁性的磁化钢针,它使罗经刻度盘南北线保持在磁子午线上。 |
compass north | 罗经北 | See NORTH: COMPASS. | 磁罗经指示的北方向。 |
compass points | 罗经(方位)点 | The 32 divisions of a COMPASS, at intervals of 11°1/4. | 罗盘的32个分划点,分划间隔11°1/4。 |
compass repeater | 罗经复示器,分罗经
| A device for repeating at a distance the indications of the MASTER COMPASS. | 在一定距离上复示主罗经指示数的一种装置。 |
compass rose | 罗经花,方位圈 | A circle graduated in DEGREES clockwise from 0° (north) to 360° printed on a CHART for use as a PROTRACTOR. Compass roses are also placed ... more | 一种印在海图上作分度规使用的圆圈,其刻度分划以度为单位,顺时针从0°至360°。罗经花一般放在其它方... more |
compensate | 补偿,校正 | (v.t.). To counteract an ERROR, as in an instrument; to counterbalance. | 抵消仪器误差;使均衡。 |
compensating coils | 补偿线圈
| The coils placed near a MAGNETIC COMPASS to neutralize the effect of the vessel's degaussing system on the COMPASS. | 放置在磁罗经附近的线圈,用来抵消船舶消磁系统对罗经的影响。 |
compensation depth | 补偿深度
| See DEPTH. | 在某深度,光强正好使得海藻光合作用产生的氧与呼吸作用消耗的氧保持平衡,这一深度称为补偿深度。 |
compensation of magnetic compass | 磁罗经校正
,磁罗经补偿 | The process of neutralizing or reducing to a minimum the magnetic effects the vessel itself exerts on a MAGNETIC COMPASS. It is based on the... more | 将船舶自身对磁罗经的磁效应消除或减少到最低限度的过程。它的原理如下:船上钢铁的磁效应可以通过... more |
compensator: magnetic | 磁差校正器
| A MAGNET, piece of SOFT IRON such as a sphere or iron bar, placed in a BINNACLE or in vicinity of a MAGNETIC COMPASS for reducing MAGNETIC D... more | 置于罗经框内或磁罗经附近以最小化罗经自差的一种磁铁(软铁,常见球形或棒状)。亦称compass corrector(... more |
compilation | 编绘
| In CARTOGRAPHY, the selection, assembly, and graphic presentation of all relevant information required for the preparation of a MAP or CHAR... more | 在制图中,为制作、再版一幅地图或海图(或其一部分),而对所有相关信息采取的选取、组合、图形表... more |
compilation diagram | 编图资料示意图 | See SOURCE DIAGRAM. | 参见source diagram(资料略图)。 |
compiler | 编译器
| A program that translates programs from one programming language (source program) into another programming language (object program). Typica... more | 将一种语言(源语言)转换为另一种语言(目标语言)的程序。典型的,编译器将人能理解的高级语言转... more |