Term | 术语 | Definition | 定义 |
westing | 西距,西(行)航(程)
| The distance a craft makes good to the west. The opposite is EASTING. | 舰艇向西航行最省时间的距离,其反义词为easting(东距)。 |
wet-bulb thermometer | 湿球温度计
| See THERMOMETER. | 干湿球温度计中水银球是湿的,且被一层纯水或冰覆盖的温度计。 |
wet compass | 液体罗经
| See COMPASS: LIQUID. | 磁罗经的一种。它的罗经盒内盛满液体以减少罗盘的振动。有时称spirit compass或wet compass。 |
wet density | 湿密度
| The ratio of the WEIGHT of the solid particles of a BOTTOM SEDIMENT and the contained moisture to its total volume. | 海底沉淀物固体颗粒重量和所含湿度与总体积之比。 |
wet dock | 湿船坞
| See DOCK. | 可以使坞内的水保持在任何水位的一种船坞。其方法是:在坞内水达到理想水位时,关闭闸门。 |
wet fog | 湿雾
| See FOG. | 水珠较大的易湿物体的雾。 |
wetlands | 湿地,沼泽地
| The term "wetlands" means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to s... more | 该词意指长期处于地表水浸泡的地区,正常情况下常处于浸泡状态,且这些地区普遍可以生长植物。它通... more |
wharf | 码头
| A structure serving as a berthing place for vessels. | 一种可以停泊船只的结构。 |
whirlpool | 漩涡,涡流
| Water in rapid rotary motion. See EDDY. | 快速旋转运动的水流。参见eddy(涡流)。 |
whirlwind | 旋风
| General term for a small-scale rotating column of air. | 小规模旋转空气团的统称。 |
whitecap | 浪花,白浪
| A CREST of a WAVE which becomes unstable in deep water, toppling over or breaking. See BREAKING OF WAVES. | 一种波的浪峰,深水中逐渐不稳定并慢慢消失。 |
wind | 风
| Air motion relative to the EARTH'S surface. Unless it is otherwise specified, only the horizontal component is considered. | 相对于地球表面的空气流动。除非有特殊规定,否则仅考虑水平方向。 |
wind circulation | 风对流
| The flow of air through a given area. | 风经过指定区域的流动过程。 |
wind direction | 风向
| See DIRECTION OF WIND. | 风吹来的方向。 |
wind driven current | 风吹流,风生流
| See CURRENT. | 在风力作用下形成的海流。 |
wind farm | 风电场
| A collection of WIND TURBINES that are collocated and are organised as a single power generation unit. | 经过配置和成排列的风力涡轮机组成一个单一发电单元。 |
wind force | 风力
| Number on a progressive scale (BEAUFORT WIND SCALE) corresponding to the effects produced by WINDS within a range of speeds. Force exerted b... more | 相当于一定速度范围的风所产生的影响等级(蒲福风力等级)。
风作用于一个建筑物或其它对象的力量。 |
wind rose | 风向频率图
| For a given STATION and period of time, a star-shaped DIAGRAM indicating the relative frequencies of different DIRECTIONS OF WIND, somet... more | 指定观测站的指定时间段内,表示不同风向相对频率的星形示意图,有时也表示不同方向风速群的频率。 |
wind set-up | 风增水,气象潮
| The vertical rise in the STILL WATER LEVEL on the leeward side of a body of water caused by wind stresses on the surface of the water. The d... more | 风压作用于水面,使水体下风面平静水位垂直升高。风压作用于水面引起的上风处与下风处静止水位间的... more |
wind speed | 风速率
| Ratio of the distance covered by the air to the time taken to cover it. The 'instantaneous speed' or, more briefly, the 'speed', corresponds... more | 空气走过的距离与时间之比。“瞬时速率”或简称“速率”,相对于无限小时间而言。“平均速率”相对... more |