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Substantive papers for consideration by HSSC and its subordinate bodies shall be received by the relevant Chairman and Secretary as follows: a. New Items Proposals for new work items, reports from subsidiary bodies and any submissions requiring consideration and a decision by HSSC and its subordinate bodies shall be forwarded to the relevant Secretary and Chairman not later than seven weeks before the commencement of a meeting. b. Subsequent Comments and Contributions Subsequent papers (which should be no more than 4 pages), commenting on submissions or proposals submitted under clause 3a above may be forwarded to the relevant Secretary and Chairman not later than three weeks before the commencement of the meeting. Such submissions may: (1) raise alternative proposals for consideration, (2) propose substantial amendments to proposals, or (3) provide comments in absentia for those delegates unable to attend a meeting. 4. In order that all participants as well as MS not represented at a meeting may consider the issues in advance, the relevant Chairman and Secretary will strictly enforce the deadlines in paragraph 3 above. Only in the most exceptional circumstances may new items be introduced after the deadlines. 5. To facilitate the processing of papers, digital versions, preferably in Microsoft Word, should be sent via the Internet to the e-mail addresses of the Secretary and Chairman. 6. The IHO Secretariat will place papers on the IHO website as soon as possible. 7. Information Documents. Information papers should also be submitted to the relevant Secretary and Chairman at least three weeks before the commencement of a meeting. Appendix 1 [HSSC / Relevant HSSC WG] xx-xx Paper for Consideration by [HSSC] [HSSC WG] [Short descriptive title] Submitted by:MS or OrganizationExecutive Summary:Brief summary outlining the intention of the paper.Related Documents:Any relevant documents and references to the extent that they are known to the originator.Related Projects:Any related projects that may impact upon considerationsIntroduction / Background An introduction and any relevant background. Analysis/Discussion An analysis and/or discussion of the issues involved. In analysing the issues, the following should be considered and addressed as appropriate: is the subject addressed by the paper within the scope of IHO objectives? is the subject of the paper within the scope of an item of the current IHO work programme? do adequate industry standards exist? do the benefits justify the proposed action? are there any potential cost impacts on the maritime industry, Member States or other involved parties? Conclusions Any conclusions that may be drawn from the analysis/discussion. Recommendations Any resultant recommendations. Justification and Impacts Justification for any proposed action or recommendations. This should include: identifying the benefits which would accrue from any proposed action; identifying any resource implications resulting from the recommendations, such as the number of working group sessions, expertise, need for expert consultants, funding, et cetera; identifying which HSSC working group(s) are essential to completing any proposed new work items; and the date when any proposed new work item is expected to be completed; the proposed priority (high, medium, low); any related activities that may impact on a proposed work item or decision. Action Required of [HSSC] [Relevant HSSC WG] The [HSSC] [Relevant HSSC WG] is invited to: a. endorse . b. agree . c. note ... et cetera. Appendix 2 HSSC xx-xx Report of the [title of WG or relevant body] Submitted by:Chairman, [relevant WG or other reporting body]Related Documents:Any relevant documents and references to the extent that they are known to the originator.Related Projects:Any related projects that may impact upon considerations Chair:[Name], [Country]Vice-Chair:[Name], [Country]Secretary:[Name], [Country]Member States:[Countries]Expert Contributor Organisations:[Organisations]see Annex A for full detailsMeetings Held During Reporting Period Provide dates and venues of meetings held during the reporting period. Provide dates and venue for next meeting (if known). Work Program Highlight the important issues and activities during the reporting period. (For lengthy or complex reports, the use of supporting annexes may be appropriate.) Progress on HSSC Action Items Summarise progress made during the reporting period. An annotated copy of the IHO Standards Development - Progress Report Diagram shown at Annex C (which is based on the Typical Life-Cycle of an IHO Standard diagram (ref. IHO Resolution 2/2007 as amended) ) should be included with the report where appropriate - for example, to report the development or revision of major IHO standards / specifications. Problems Encountered Highlight any issues with resources, funding, participation, et cetera. Any Other Items of Note Include any other relevant information not covered elsewhere. Conclusions and Recommended Actions Identify any conclusions drawn from the report. Identify any actions recommended by the WG / reporting body. Refer to the revised Work Plan submitted as Annex B. Justification and Impacts Justification for any proposed actions or recommendations. This should include: - Identifying the benefits which would accrue from any proposed action. - Identifying any resource implications resulting from the recommendations, such as the number of working group sessions, expertise, need for expert consultants, funding, et cetera. - Identifying which HSSC working group(s) are essential to completing any proposed new work items. - Identifying proposed priorities for new work items. - The date when any proposed new work item is expected to be completed. - Any related activities that may impact on a proposed work item or decision. Action Required of HSSC The HSSC is invited to: a. endorse . b. agree . c. note ... et cetera. Annex A to Appendix 2Membership of [WG]Member StateName of Delegateemail Observer OrganisationName of Delegateemail Annex B to Appendix 2 [WG] Proposed Work Plan - [date] to [date] 1. Any remarks relevant to the understanding of the plan to be inserted in here. [WG] Tasks A. B. C. D. et cetera TaskWork ItemPriority H-high M-medium L-lowMilestonesStart DateEnd DateStatus P-planned O-ongoing C-CompletedContact PersonAffected Pubs/StandardRemarksA1DescriptionA2A3B1B2 Annex C to Appendix 2 IHO Standards Development - Progress Report Diagram  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT      Attachment 1 to Principles and Procedures for Making Changes to IHO Technical Standards Page  PAGE 6 Identify Need P r o g r e s s R e p o r t Progress / Timeline Report O l d S t a n d a r d N e w S t a n d a r d Proposal Phase Development Phase Testing Phase Implementation Phase Effective Standard Effective Standard Old Standard Superseded but still valid Propose Develop Test Implement Transition R e t i r e m e n t D a t e E f f e c t i v e D a t e Implement I H O A p p r o v a l C o m m i t t e e A p p r o v a l C o m m i t t e e A p p r o v a l Stakeholder Feedback and Collaboration PTUV`acdlmzӾ|g|O:$+h}hZOCJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (h}hZOCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH .h1Jh,>*CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (h73>*CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (h)>*CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH .h1Jh73>*CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (hZO5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (hqG<5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH (h735CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH .h}hZO5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH Vmz0 B . ?  / Bu$xx7$8$H$`a$gdZO$xx7$8$H$^a$gdZO$xx7$8$H$^a$gdZO$0xx7$8$H$^`0a$gdZO$xx7$8$H$a$gdZO$x7$8$H$a$gdZO     . 0 B a d g m xbJ.h}hZO5CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH +h}h.CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH %h.CJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH "hoCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "hZOCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH "h73CJOJQJ^JaJmH sH (h}hZOCJOJQJ^JaJmH sH +h}hZOCJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH %hGCJOJQJ\^JaJmH sH  . ? 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